Discover AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary Cigars: A Celebration of Flavor
Posted by Ana Cuenca on Jan 09, 2025
Discover the Excellence of AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary Cigars
Celebrating 20 years in the cigar industry, AJ Fernandez introduces the exclusive AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars. These limited-edition smokes are crafted from aged Nicaraguan tobacco, showcasing the artistry and depth of flavor that have defined his career. Explore the craftsmanship and unique taste that make these cigars a must-have.
Key Takeaways
- AJ Fernandez celebrates 20 years in the cigar industry, showcasing his journey from humble beginnings to global recognition and crafting rare, limited-edition cigars.
- The AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary blend highlights the richness of Nicaraguan tobacco, incorporating aged reserves for a complex flavor profile that evolves throughout the smoking experience.
- This exceptional cigar features excellent construction, a dynamic medium to full strength profile, and stunning packaging, making it a coveted collectible for aficionados.
Celebrating Two Decades of AJ Fernandez Cigars
A.J. Fernandez is celebrating his 20th anniversary in the cigar industry, a milestone that speaks volumes about his dedication and passion. From humble beginnings to becoming one of the top cigar blenders recognized globally, AJ Fernandez’s journey is nothing short of inspirational. In 2006, he took a significant step by renting his first tobacco plantation, setting the stage for his remarkable growth.
In 2008, Fernandez’s factory gained recognition for producing cigars for major brands like Rocky Patel, solidifying his reputation in the industry. The debut of his first private label, San Lotano, in 2010 marked a turning point. This brand became a global hit, selling 1.5 million units annually in the USA. Today, his production capacity has expanded significantly, reaching daily outputs of 40,000 to 60,000 cigars.
Despite this impressive scale, AJ Fernandez cigars are crafted with meticulous attention. The AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars, with just 7,500 boxes produced, are among the brand’s rarest offerings, making them a coveted addition to any humidor. This limited-edition release celebrates two decades of excellence and showcases AJ Fernandez’s tobacco mastery.
The Commemorative Blend
The AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary blend is a true testament to the rich diversity of Nicaraguan tobacco. Each cigar in this commemorative blend is a puro, crafted entirely from tobacco grown in Nicaragua, ensuring a consistent and flavorful smoking experience. This blend celebrates not just an anniversary but the remarkable terroir of Nicaragua, which AJ Fernandez knows intimately.
This blend stands out due to its use of the oldest reserves of tobacco from AJ’s Nicaraguan estates. These aged tobaccos enhance the cigar’s depth and complexity, providing a rich, nuanced smoking experience. The dark, oily wrapper leaf adds succulent notes of cedar, cocoa, spice, and nicaraguan puro.
This blend is more than just a cigar; it’s a celebration of the artistry and dedication that goes into every AJ Fernandez creation. The unique combination of tobaccos from different regions in Nicaragua highlights the complexity and character that define AJ Fernandez cigars. Each puff is a journey through the rich flavors that have made AJ Fernandez a household name among cigar aficionados.
Medium to Full Strength Profile
The AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars provide a balanced experience of medium to full strength with rich flavors. From the first draw, you can expect a smooth yet robust smoking experience that evolves as you progress through the cigar. The body starts at a medium level, gradually intensifying to medium-plus, and can reach full strength by the final third.
Made entirely from Nicaraguan tobacco, the cigar offers a full-bodied smoking experience with flavors of leather, earth, cocoa, and spice. This evolution in strength and flavor makes the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigar a dynamic and engaging smoke, ideal for those who appreciate complexity and balance.
Flavor Journey: First Third, Second Third, Final Third
The flavor journey of the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigar unfolds like a well-curated symphony of tastes, rolled into three parts: the first third, the second third, and the final third. This is a review of a remarkable smoking experience.
Each segment offers a unique set of flavors and transitions, making the smoking experience both dynamic and satisfying.
First Third
The initial phase of the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigar introduces its complex flavor profile. From the first draw, a blend of black pepper and spice creates excitement. These flavors are complemented by earthy undertones and subtle notes of cedar, providing a solid foundation for the flavors to develop.
As you continue to smoke, notes of dried tea leaves and a hint of lemongrass add layers of complexity. The first third sets the stage for the cigar’s evolution, offering a dynamic blend of flavors that keeps you intrigued.
The balance of flavors in the first third is harmonious and intriguing, a perfect start to the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigar’s journey. This phase highlights the craftsmanship involved and provides a tantalizing preview of the flavors to come.
Second Third
In the second third of the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigar, the flavor profile deepens and becomes more complex. Charred meat and cedar dominate, offering a robust and savory experience. These flavors are balanced by secondary notes of toasted bread and cocoa, adding a touch of sweetness.
The middle segment is where the cigar truly shines, introducing richer flavors like leather and earth that enhance the overall complexity. Each flavor transitions seamlessly into the next, creating a harmonious smoking experience.
Rich in depth and character, the second third keeps the smoker engaged and intrigued, building anticipation for the final third. The introduction of richer flavors enhances the complexity and sets the stage for the grand finale.
Final Third
The final third of the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigar is the peak of the smoking experience. Robust flavors of black coffee and spice dominate, providing a powerful finish. The intensity is balanced by lingering sweetness of leather and fresh tobacco, leaving a memorable impression.
Approaching the end, the smooth and sweet finish becomes more pronounced, making the final third a fitting conclusion. The succulent notes of spice are a testament to the cigar’s intricate and balanced blend.
The final third showcases the culmination of the cigar’s flavor journey and highlights the skill and craftsmanship in its creation. This phase leaves a lasting impression, making the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigar an unforgettable smoking experience.
Construction and Burn Quality
The construction and burn quality of the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars are exemplary. Handcrafted by AJ’s most skilled rollers, these cigars come in a chunky 6-by-56 Toro size, ensuring a robust and satisfying smoke. Quality and craftsmanship are evident in every aspect, from flawless construction to precise burn.
The cigars maintain excellent construction, characterized by sharp burn lines and strong smoke production, enhancing the overall experience. This precision and attention to detail ensure each cigar delivers a consistent and enjoyable smoke.
The AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary line has received praise for its flawless burn and draw, making it a favorite among aficionados. The combination of excellent construction and superior burn quality makes this cigar a standout.
Packaging and Presentation
The packaging and presentation of the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars are as impressive as the cigars themselves. Presented in a limited edition, these cigars are a smoking delight and a collector’s item. The Toro vitola comes in elegant 20-count boxes, while the Belicoso is presented in 50-count humidors, each numbered to emphasize their exclusivity.
This distinctive packaging protects the cigars and enhances the overall experience through its exclusivity and presentation. The limited run of 7,500 numbered box for the Toro and 250 numbered humidors for the Belicoso adds to the collectible appeal.
Where to Purchase
Eager to add the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars to your collection? They are available for purchase online. Retailers like offer competitive pricing and fast shipping, making it convenient to acquire these limited-edition cigars.
The AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars are conveniently available online, ensuring aficionados and collectors can experience these exceptional cigars. Don’t miss the opportunity to own a piece of cigar history.
The AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars are a remarkable tribute to two decades of excellence in the cigar industry. From the rich history and achievements of AJ Fernandez to the intricate details of the commemorative blend, these cigars offer a unique and satisfying smoking experience. The medium to full strength profile, coupled with the complex flavor journey, makes these cigars a must-try for any cigar enthusiast.
In conclusion, the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars are a celebration of craftsmanship, dedication, and passion. Whether you’re savoring the first third’s spicy notes or the final third’s robust flavors, each puff is a testament to AJ Fernandez’s legacy. Treat yourself to these exceptional cigars and experience the artistry that has defined AJ Fernandez for two decades.
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars special?
The AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars are special due to their use of the oldest reserves of Nicaraguan tobacco and their limited production, resulting in a rare and exceptional flavor. Enjoying one of these cigars is truly a unique experience!
How many of these cigars were produced?
Only 7,500 boxes of the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars were produced, making them a rare and exclusive find for cigar enthusiasts. Grab one if you can!
What is the flavor profile of these cigars?
These cigars offer a delightful flavor profile with notes of black pepper, spice, cedar, cocoa, and leather, evolving beautifully from medium to full strength. Enjoy the rich complexity with every puff!
Where can I purchase the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars?
You can easily find AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars at online. Happy smoking!
What sizes are available for the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars?
The AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigars are available in a Toro size, packaged in 20-count boxes, and a Belicoso size, offered in 50-count humidors. Enjoy the unique experience of these limited-edition cigars!