Introducing the Blackened Cigars by Drew Estate S84 Shade to Black Corona 5" * 43 - a masterpiece crafted for the discerning smoker who seeks an unparalleled smoking experience. This premium cigar stands as a testament to Drew Estate's commitment to innovation, quality, and the art of cigar making.
Crafted for Elegance and Depth
At the heart of the Blackened Cigars by Drew Estate S84 Shade to Black lies a harmonious blend of Nicaraguan maduro and Pennsylvania Broadleaf maduro leaves, secured with a USA Connecticut Broadleaf binder. This meticulously selected composition is then crowned with an exquisite Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper, offering a smoking experience that balances smooth, creamy textures with an enticing sweetness. As the cigar burns, it reveals layered notes of spice and coffee, delivering a medium to full-strength profile that captivates from start to finish.
A Journey of Flavor
Handmade in Nicaragua by the experts at Drew Estate, each cigar is a voyage into the realms of rich, nuanced flavor. The careful blending and rolling techniques employed ensure that every puff invites you to savor subtle complexities and bold revelations alike. It's not merely a cigar; it's an odyssey of taste that evolves, telling a new story with every draw.
A Legacy of Unconventional Excellence
The genesis of Blackened Cigars by Drew Estate S84 Shade to Black is deeply rooted in the brand's rich heritage of breaking the mold. Established in 1996, Drew Estate has redefined the premium cigar market with its innovative blends and an unyielding passion for excellence. This cigar, inspired by the quest for a truly profound smoking encounter, embodies the spirit of Drew Estate's pioneering ethos. Through exceptional craftsmanship and a global search for the finest tobaccos, Drew Estate has created a cigar that resonates with the connoisseur's desire for a unique, memorable smoke.
For the Affluent Smoker and Connoisseur
Targeted towards the aficionados and the elite of the smoking world, the Blackened Cigars by Drew Estate S84 Shade to Black is more than just a premium cigar. It is a symbol of luxury, artistry, and the pursuit of perfection. Whether you are a long-time collector or a newcomer eager to explore the heights of cigar craftsmanship, this offering will take its place as a crown jewel in your collection.
In a world where authenticity and quality are paramount, Blackened Cigars by Drew Estate S84 Shade to Black stands out as a beacon of excellence. Elevate your smoking experience with this unparalleled creation and join the ranks of those who appreciate the finer things in life.
Discover Your Next Unforgettable Smoke
Reach out and secure your exclusive experience with this exceptional cigar, a masterpiece for the true aficionado.
Handmade: | Y |
Country of Origin: | Nicaragua |
Shape: | Corona |
Size: | 5 x 43 |
Strength: | Medium to Full |
Wrapper: | Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade |
Binder: | USA Connecticut Broadleaf |
Filler: | Nicaragua, USA Pennsylvania |
Box Cigar Count: | 20 |
Is Box-Pressed: | N |
Is Long-Filler: | Y |
Is Discountinued: | N |
Tube: | N |
Is Limited: | N |
Is Flavored: | N |
Manufacturer: | Drew Estate |
Released: | IPCPR 2024 |