
Best Cigars for Beginners


Best Cigars for Beginners: Top Picks for Flavor and Affordability

Curious about the best cigars for beginners? This guide will introduce you to mild, affordable, and flavorful cigars perfect for novice smokers. By the end, you’ll have all the information you need to start your cigar journey confidently.

Key Takeaways

  • Beginner smokers should start with mild to medium cigars, focusing on flavor profiles that won’t overwhelm their palate.

  • Key factors for choosing cigars include strength, length, ring gauge, wrapper shade, and price, all of which contribute to a pleasant smoking experience.

  • Proper storage in a humidor and essential accessories like a cutter and lighter can significantly enhance the overall enjoyment of cigar smoking.

Introduction to Cigar Smoking

What is Cigar Smoking?

Cigar smoking is a time-honored tradition that dates back centuries, offering a unique and enjoyable experience for enthusiasts. At its core, cigar smoking involves the inhalation and exhalation of smoke from a carefully crafted bundle of fermented tobacco leaves. These premium cigars are made from high-quality tobacco, meticulously selected and rolled to deliver a rich and satisfying experience. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, socialization, or a way to celebrate special moments, cigar smoking provides a luxurious and sensory journey that appeals to people from all walks of life.

Benefits of Smoking Cigars

Smoking cigars can offer several benefits that enhance your overall experience:

  • Relaxation and Stress Relief: The slow, deliberate process of smoking a cigar can be incredibly calming and meditative. Taking the time to savor each puff helps reduce stress and anxiety, allowing you to unwind and enjoy the moment.

  • Socialization: Cigar smoking is often a social activity, providing opportunities to connect with others who share similar interests. Whether you’re at a cigar lounge or a private gathering, smoking cigars can foster camaraderie and meaningful conversations.

  • Celebration: Cigars are synonymous with celebration. From weddings and anniversaries to birthdays and promotions, lighting up a cigar adds a touch of elegance and significance to any special occasion.

  • Flavor and Aroma: One of the most enjoyable aspects of cigar smoking is the wide range of flavors and aromas. From mild and creamy to strong and spicy, cigars offer a diverse palette of tastes that cater to every preference. The rich flavor and pleasant aroma of a well-crafted cigar can be a truly delightful experience.

Brief History of Cigar Smoking

Cigar smoking has a rich and diverse history that spans over 2,000 years. The earliest recorded evidence of cigar smoking dates back to ancient civilizations in Central and South America, where tobacco was first cultivated and used for medicinal and spiritual purposes. The Mayans and Aztecs were known to smoke cigars as a way to communicate with their gods and to seal business deals.

As European explorers arrived in the New World, they discovered the practice of cigar smoking and brought it back to their homelands. Cigar smoking quickly gained popularity among the wealthy and aristocratic classes, who saw it as a symbol of luxury and sophistication.

In the 19th century, cigar smoking became more widespread and accessible to the general population. The development of new manufacturing techniques and the introduction of new tobacco varieties made cigars more affordable and available to people of all social classes.

Today, cigar smoking is enjoyed by people all over the world, and the industry has evolved to include a wide range of styles, flavors, and brands. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a beginner, there’s a cigar out there for everyone.

Starting Your Cigar Journey

An inviting cigar lounge setting, perfect for beginners to start their cigar journey.

Starting your cigar journey should be exciting and enjoyable. Take your time with each cigar to fully savor the flavors and aromas. Rushing can lead to overwhelming sensations and a subpar experience. Slow down, relax, and let the rich aroma and smooth draw guide you through a luxurious smoking experience.

For beginners, starting with mild cigars for beginners is recommended. These offer a gentler experience, letting you appreciate the complexities of the flavors. Connecticut Shade wrappers, known for their creamy taste and profiles, are a great choice for a smooth start. Enjoying your first cigars during special occasions can also make the experience more memorable.

Be mindful of your surroundings when smoking cigars. Choose a comfortable environment where you can appreciate the experience without inconveniencing others. Whether alone or with friends, the right ambiance plays a significant role in your enjoyment. The right setting can transform your smoking session into a relaxing and satisfying experience.

Key Factors for Choosing Beginner Cigars

A selection of beginner-friendly cigars showcasing various sizes and wrappers.

As a beginner, several key factors contribute to a pleasant smoking experience. The flavor profile is paramount; mild to medium cigars are recommended to avoid overwhelming your palate. These typically feature well-balanced flavors that are approachable and enjoyable. Time of day and mood can also influence your choice, as certain cigars pair better with different settings.

Other aspects to consider include the cigar’s strength, length, ring gauge, wrapper shade, and price. Each factor contributes to the overall smoking experience and can impact your enjoyment as a novice smoker. Exploring these factors in detail will help you make an informed decision.


Starting with milder cigars helps beginners acclimate without feeling overwhelmed. A Nicaraguan tobacco blend delivers a light, creamy experience with sweet and floral notes, making it particularly appealing for beginners. A great example is the Rocky Patel Connecticut cigar, known for its mild and creamy profile, making it an excellent choice for beginners. A mild-medium strength cigar offers a perfect balance, allowing you to enjoy rich flavors without the intensity of a full-bodied cigar. For instance, the Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 provides a medium strength profile, making it a robust option for those who prefer a richer flavor.

Cigars such as the CAO Gold are known for their light natural sweetness and well-balanced flavors, appealing to beginners. These offer a consistent flavor and smooth draw, ensuring a pleasant experience from start to finish.

Find a cigar that offers a rich aroma and subtle sweetness without being overpowering.


The length of a cigar significantly impacts the smoking experience for beginners. Medium-length cigars, such as Toro, provide a balanced experience. These are not too long to be overwhelming or too short to end abruptly, making them ideal for those new to cigar smoking.

Avoiding very long or short cigars can enhance enjoyment and help you better appreciate the flavors and aromas.

Ring Gauge

Ring gauge, the diameter of a cigar, affects the smoking experience by influencing the draw and flavor delivery. A ring gauge of 50 or more ensures a cooler smoke and enhances the flavor profile, making it suitable for beginners.

Cigars with a larger ring gauge generally provide a smoother draw and a more enjoyable experience.

Wrapper Shade

The wrapper shade of a cigar greatly impacts its flavor profile. Dominican and Mexican tobacco contribute to a mellow smoking experience with subtle spice and nutty flavors, making these cigars particularly suitable for novice smokers seeking a gentle introduction to cigar smoking. Connecticut Shade wrappers offer a creamy profile, perfect for a smooth and gentler experience. Conversely, Cameroon wrappers provide a woody flavor, catering to diverse tastes.

The Alec Bradley Medalist Toro, with its Honduran shade-grown wrapper, offers a smooth and complex smoking experience.


Price is an essential factor for beginners. Affordable options like the CAO Gold, typically priced between $6-8, offer great value without compromising on flavor. Flavored cigars at Lucky Cigar are also budget-friendly.

Choosing reasonably priced cigars allows you to explore different flavors and find what suits your palate best.

Understanding Cigar Strength Levels

Cigar strength is a measure of the intensity of the smoke and the amount of nicotine present in the tobacco. Cigars can range from mild to strong, and the strength level is often indicated on the packaging or by the manufacturer.

Mild Cigars

Mild cigars are perfect for beginners or those who prefer a smoother, more subtle smoke. They typically have a lower nicotine content and a milder flavor profile, making them easy to smoke and enjoy. Some popular mild cigars include:

  • Arturo Fuente Gran Reserva Exquisitos Natural: Known for its smooth and creamy flavor, this cigar offers a pleasant smoking experience without overwhelming the senses.

  • Romeo y Julieta 1875: This classic cigar features a balanced blend of Dominican tobacco, delivering a mild yet rich flavor that is perfect for novice smokers.

  • Montecristo Classic: With its creamy and nutty taste, the Montecristo Classic provides a smooth and consistent smoking experience, ideal for beginners.

Medium Cigars

Medium cigars offer a balance of flavor and strength, making them a great choice for those who want a more complex smoke without overpowering their senses. They typically have a moderate nicotine content and a richer flavor profile than mild cigars. Some popular medium cigars include:

  • Macanudo Cafe Baron De Rothschild Panatela: This cigar features a smooth draw and a well-balanced flavor profile, making it a favorite among medium-strength cigar enthusiasts.

  • CAO Gold: Known for its light natural sweetness and well-balanced flavors, the CAO Gold offers a consistent and enjoyable smoking experience.

  • Oliva Connecticut Reserve: With its creamy and nutty flavor, the Oliva Connecticut Reserve provides a smooth and satisfying smoke, perfect for those seeking a medium-strength cigar.

Strong Cigars

Strong cigars are not for the faint of heart. They have a high nicotine content and a bold, intense flavor profile that can be overwhelming for some smokers. However, for those who enjoy a robust smoke, strong cigars can be a real treat. Some popular strong cigars include:

  • Arturo Fuente Anejo: This cigar features a Nicaraguan tobacco blend that delivers a rich and intense flavor, making it a favorite among experienced smokers.

  • Arturo Fuente Opus X: Known for its bold and complex flavor profile, the Arturo Fuente Opus X offers a robust smoking experience that is sure to satisfy.

  • Ashton VSG: Its rich and full-bodied flavor provides a powerful and satisfying smoke, perfect for those who enjoy a strong cigar.

  • Padron 1926 Anniversary: Known for its bold and intense flavor profile, this strong cigar is a favorite among experienced smokers. It offers a rich and powerful smoking experience that is sure to satisfy those who enjoy a robust cigar.

It’s worth noting that cigar strength is subjective and can vary depending on individual tolerance and preferences. It’s always a good idea to start with a milder cigar and gradually move to stronger ones as you become more comfortable with the smoke.

Top Beginner-Friendly Cigars

A close-up of top beginner-friendly cigars, including a Perdomo Champagne cigar.

When picking your first cigars, choose those with a mild to medium flavor for a pleasant and approachable experience. Beginner-friendly cigars should offer rich flavors without overwhelming the senses.

Here are some top picks for novice smokers, offering both quality and enjoyment.

Deadwood Tobacco Girl with no Name

Deadwood Tobacco Girl with No Name is a mellow-medium strength cigar with a sweet profile, featuring light cedar and vanilla notes. Its medium-length ensures a better smoking experience, while the wrapper shade adds to its light and creamy flavor, making it approachable for novice smokers.

Affordably priced, this cigar is an excellent option for beginners looking to explore without breaking the bank.

Padron Damaso

The Padron Damaso is ideal for beginners due to its mild-medium strength and creamy flavor with a hint of almond. This cigar offers a consistent and enjoyable smoking experience, making it popular among novice smokers.

Available at various online retailers and local cigar shops, the Padron Damaso offers a smooth draw and rich flavor without being overwhelming.

Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto with Creamy and Nutty Taste

The Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto is known for its light and creamy profile, making it appealing for beginners. This cigar features a Nicaraguan tobacco blend that delivers a smooth smoking experience with a touch of sweetness.

The Perdomo Champagne cigar offers an excellent introduction to premium cigars, providing a luxurious experience without being too intense.

Ashton Classic

Ashton Classic cigars are known for their mild, creamy, and nutty flavor, making them an excellent choice for newcomers. With flavor notes of coffee, cream, and cedar, Ashton Classic provides a smooth and enjoyable taste that is both relaxing and satisfying.

This brand offers a perfect balance for novice smokers seeking a gentle yet flavorful experience with a mild yet rich flavor and a mellow taste.

Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 with Nicaraguan Tobacco Blend

Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 is highly regarded among beginners for its accessible flavor and smoothness. This medium-strength cigar features a smooth draw and consistent flavor, making it enjoyable for novice smokers. Crafted in Honduras, the Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 offers a reliable experience with rich, consistent flavor, making it a great choice for newcomers.

Montecristo White

Montecristo White is an excellent choice for beginners, offering a mild yet rich flavor profile that is both approachable and enjoyable. This cigar features a creamy and nutty taste with a hint of subtle sweetness, providing a smooth and consistent smoking experience. The Dominican and Mexican tobacco blend delivers a delicate taste that is perfect for novice smokers seeking a relaxing smoking experience. With its smooth draw and even burn, Montecristo White ensures a luxurious smoking experience without overwhelming the senses. Ideal for those embarking on their cigar journey, it stands out as a recommended cigar for its perfect balance of flavor and approachability.

Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real

Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real is a perfect cigar for beginners, offering a mild to medium-bodied profile with a creamy and nutty taste. Its smooth draw and consistent flavor make it an approachable choice for novice smokers. This cigar features a rich aroma and a delicate taste, crafted from a blend of Dominican and Mexican tobacco, ensuring a luxurious smoking experience. With its subtle sweetness and well-balanced flavors, the Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real is an excellent starting point for those embarking on their cigar journey.

Exploring Flavored Cigars - Acid Cigars

An assortment of flavored cigars, perfect for novice smokers exploring unique flavors.

Flavored cigars offer unique and pleasant experiences, making them particularly appealing to beginners. The diverse world of flavored cigars includes options like cherry, vanilla, honey, mojito rum, and chocolate. These cigars deliver consistent flavor and enjoyable experiences, ideal for those new to cigars.

Among flavored cigars, the Acid Cigars brand stands out with its sweet and fruity flavors, offering a gentle introduction to cigar smoking.

What are Flavored Cigars?

Flavored cigars are a delightful twist on traditional cigars, infused with additional flavors to enhance the smoking experience. These cigars can be made using various methods, such as incorporating flavored tobacco, adding flavorings, or using other ingredients to achieve the desired taste. Flavored cigars are particularly popular among those who enjoy a milder or sweeter smoke, offering a unique and enjoyable alternative to standard cigars. Whether you’re in the mood for vanilla, coffee, or fruit-infused flavors, flavored cigars provide a diverse and exciting range of options to explore.

Benefits of Flavored Cigars

Flavored cigars come with their own set of benefits, making them an appealing choice for many smokers:

  • Unique Flavor Profiles: Flavored cigars offer a wide array of unique and exciting flavor profiles. From sweet and fruity to spicy and bold, there’s a flavored cigar to suit every taste and preference.

  • Mild and Smooth Smoke: Often made with milder tobacco, flavored cigars provide a smooth and creamy smoke that’s easy on the palate. This makes them an excellent choice for beginners or those who prefer a gentler smoking experience.

  • Increased Enjoyment: The added flavors in flavored cigars can enhance the overall smoking experience, making it more enjoyable and satisfying. The pleasant flavor and aroma can elevate your cigar session to new heights.

  • Variety: With so many flavors and aromas to choose from, flavored cigars offer a diverse range of options. This variety allows you to experiment and find the perfect cigar that matches your mood and taste preferences.

By understanding the basics of cigar smoking and the benefits of both traditional and flavored cigars, beginners can embark on their cigar journey with confidence and excitement. Happy smoking!

Vanilla by Tatiana Cigars

Vanilla by Tatiana Cigars is a flavored cigar that offers a creamy and sweet experience ideal for beginners. This cigar delivers a smooth, sweet experience with subtle vanilla notes, making it appealing to new smokers.

The flavor profile is smooth, sweet, and mild flavor, ensuring a delightful and pleasant flavor introduction to cigar smoking.

Grooby Blue by Tatiana Cigars

Grooby Blue by Tatiana Cigars provides a sweet, mild experience, ideal for those new to cigars. The cigar features a subtle sweetness that enhances the overall experience, ensuring a pleasurable and hassle-free session.

With its smooth draw and consistent flavor, Grooby Blue is a fantastic choice for novice smokers seeking a pleasant introduction to flavored cigars.

Java by Rocky Patel

Java by Rocky Patel is a flavored cigar that blends a creamy and nutty taste of chocolate and coffee flavors, making it a delightful choice for after-dinner enjoyment. This smooth cigar delivers rich coffee and chocolate flavors, providing a unique and satisfying experience.

The smooth draw and consistent flavor make Java by Rocky Patel an excellent option for beginners exploring flavored cigars.

Essential Cigar Accessories for Beginners

Essential cigar accessories for beginners, including a cutter and lighter.

The right accessories significantly enhance your cigar smoking experience. Essential ones include a cigar cutter, lighter or matches, and a humidor to store your cigars. A double-bladed cutter is recommended for a clean cut on the cigar cap, ensuring a smooth draw. When lighting a cigar, hold it at a 45-degree angle and toast the foot before igniting for an even burn.

A good quality lighter, preferably butane-based, provides a consistent flame and a cleaner burn. A humidor is crucial for maintaining the right moisture levels for cigars, keeping them fresh and flavorful. Spanish cedar is considered the best material for humidors due to its effective moisture regulation.

For those on the go, cigar cases are useful for transporting cigars while keeping them protected and maintaining humidity.

Storing Your Cigars Properly

Proper storage is essential to maintain the quality and flavor of your cigars. Using a humidor ensures your cigars remain fresh and enjoyable. Spanish cedar humidors are particularly effective at regulating moisture levels, making them an excellent choice. If a humidor is not available, you can use a sealed plastic bag with a damp sponge or paper towel to maintain moisture.

For optimal freshness, store cigars in a cool, dark place to prevent them from drying out or becoming too moist. A humidor is ideal, but in its absence, a sealed bag and humidification device can suffice.

Cigar cases also offer a practical solution for transporting cigars while keeping them in perfect condition. Proper storage ensures each cigar delivers a satisfying experience every time.

Smoking Tips for Novice Smokers

As a novice smoker, it’s important to follow some essential tips to enhance your cigar smoking experience. Taking infrequent puffs helps prevent overheating the cigar and losing flavor. Overheating can cause a bitter taste and diminish the rich aromas that make cigar smoking enjoyable. Instead, savor each draw and let the cigar cool between puffs.

When lighting a cigar, use a butane lighter for a consistent flame and cleaner burn. Hold the cigar at a 45-degree angle and toast the foot before igniting it to ensure an even burn. A double-bladed cutter is recommended for a clean cut on the cigar cap, providing a smooth draw.

Additionally, consider using ashtrays designed for cigars with larger bowls to accommodate longer smoking sessions and avoid making a mess.


In summary, starting your cigar journey with the right cigars and accessories can make all the difference. We’ve explored some of the best cigars for beginners, including mild and creamy options like the Ashton Classic and the Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto. These cigars offer a smooth smoking experience, perfect for novice smokers seeking to enjoy rich flavors without overwhelming intensity.

Remember to invest in essential accessories such as a cigar cutter, lighter, and humidor to enhance your smoking experience. Proper storage and following smoking tips will ensure each cigar delivers the best flavor and enjoyment. Embrace the journey, experiment with different cigars, and find what satisfies your palate. Happy smoking!