Back2Back Cigars
Rich with flavor and history, Back2Back URNY Nicaragua 660 cigars are a must-have item for your home-smoker's life. These 6x60 boutique smokes made with all-Nicaraguan tobacco are flawlessly wrapped in a rustic natural wrapper that is sure to catch the eye of anyone who appreciates the handmade arts. With warm notes of coffee, cedar, chocolate, and spice highlighted by a creamy richness, each puff of this cigar will leave you feeling satisfied. Not only do these cigars offer an exquisite smoking experience but they also come packaged in an alluring box featuring eclectic urban artwork created by the Urban Artists & Cigar Collective known as URNY. So grab a box of 50 Back2Back URNY Nicaragua 660s today and impress your friends! You won't want to miss out on these quality smokes brought to you by Davidoff and URNY!