Back2Back Cigars
Introducing the Back2Back URNY Nicaragua 550 Cigar box of 50 cigars! This highly-respected release from the 2018 IPCPR Trade Show is now available for purchase. Just in time to enjoy a smoke as the cool autumn season sets in.
This reincarnation of the popular Room 101 Big Payback Nicaragua blend has an exciting and promising vibe. All of the used tobaccos are from Nicaragua, and each cigar unleashes a mellow-medium strength profile that will tantalize your taste buds with nutty and earthy notes. These delightful one stick wonders are adorned with two graffiti artists who are acting as brand ambassadors, adding to their delightful look and interesting aesthetic.
The Back2Back URNY Nicaragua 550s will become available this October 2018 and should be a key component to any smoker's humidor - whether novice or veteran. The combination of flavor, strength profile, attractive design, and unique branding make this box of 50 cigars simply irresistible. So head off to your nearest smoking lounge or online retailer as Cuenca Cigars, and pick up your box today before supplies run low!