AVO Cigars
AVO Syncro Nicaragua Toro Tubos Cigars are thoughtfully crafted premiums to offer a distinct smoke. These cigars combine fire of Nicaraguan tobaccos with flair of Dominican tobaccos. Covered in a dark brown Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper these cigars pack tobaccos from Nicaragua, Dominican and Peru. Among them are fillers from Ometepe which imparts richness to the smoke. Medium to full in body strength they deliver a stimulating smoke filled with balanced and harmonious flavours. Cedar, sweet cream, roasted nuts and leather notes tickle the palate along with core flavours of spices and pepper. These are definite must try for their innovative flavours and taste. The AVO Syncro Nicaragua Toro Tubos Cigars are 6 x 54 in size and come in boxes of 20. To buy these delicious cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.