AVO Cigars
Introducing the AVO Syncro Nicaragua Toro single, a remarkable box-pressed cigar crafted with some of the finest tobaccos available! Its delectable blend features an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper and an exquisite mix of Nicaraguan Ometepe, Dominican San Vicente Mejorado and Peruvian Olancho fillers held together by a premium Dominican Olor binder. Experience this extraordinary combination for yourself today!
This robust blend brings a full-bodied, Taste sensation bursting with complexity and flavor. Your experience will begin with the hint of spicy pepperiness before transitioning to a delightful oak sweetness that is complemented by leather and cream notes for an exceptionally balanced, smooth smoke. Prepare yourself for alluring aromas alive in every puff!
Make sure to try out the AVO Syncro Nicaragua Toro Cigars - a 6 x 54-sized masterpiece packed in boxes of 20 or single sticks. These cigars have been lauded for their excellent construction and perfect blending, making them an absolute must try for any cigar enthusiast. Get your hands on these all-in-sync stogies at Cuenca Cigars where you can get the best online price!