AVO Cigars
AVO Syncro Nicaragua Special Toro Cigars are solid box pressed stogies by Avo Cigars and this is their first attempt at this format. It packs an extraordinary blend of Nicaraguan Ometepe, Dominican San Vicente Mejorado and Peruvian Olancho fillers encased in a Dominican Olor binder. This grand mix is concealed by a dark, thick Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. The result is a feisty smoke in medium to full body strength. Extremely smooth and creamy it delivers loads of complexity that is brilliantly tamed by perfect balance. Spicy and peppery notes dominate at the initial phase whereas the later part is full of cedar, cream and leather notes. To top it all, they exude vivacious aromas all through the way. High ratings and loads of praises make it a must try. The AVO Syncro Nicaragua Special Toro Cigars are 6 x 60 sized stogies packed in boxes of 20. To buy these all-in-sync cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.