AVO Cigars
AVO Syncro Nicaragua Short Robusto Cigars write a new chapter in the journey of Avo Cigars. These Syncro cigars feature a medley of tobaccos from different regions that sync with each other to create a beautiful smoking experience. The wrapper is an Ecuadorian Connecticut leaf with a dark complexion and thick texture. It encases a blend of Nicaraguan Ometepe, Dominican San Vicente Mejorado and Peruvian Olancho fillers bound by a Dominican Olor binder. Rolled in a box pressed format, which is a first for an Avo Cigar; these cigars deliver a smooth and creamy smoke with remarkable balanced complexity. This medium to full bodied smoke is accompanied by vivacious aromas and notes of spices, pepper, cedar, leather and cream. They have garnered high ratings and accolades from the critics as well as the enthusiasts. The AVO Syncro Nicaragua Short Robusto Cigars are petite 4 x 52 sized stogies packed in boxes of 20. To buy these all-in-sync cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.