AVO Cigars
AVO Syncro Nicaragua Puritos Cigars are a beautiful concoction of two distinct types of tobaccos, Nicaraguan and Dominican. The cigar is expertly blended with Nicaraguan, Dominican and Peruvian long fillers bound by a Dominican binder. This concoction is draped in a beautiful Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. It produces a medium bodied smoke that shows perfect synchronisation of Nicaraguan strength and Dominican mildness. The palate is treated with spicy and peppery flavours at the beginning and then relishes the creamy taste. Overall, it is a balanced, harmonious smoke for all smoke lovers. The AVO Syncro Nicaragua Puritos Cigars are 4 x 30 sized cigarillos. They come in set of 10 tins of 10. To buy these mini stogies place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.