AVO Cigars
AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata Puritos Cigars are expertly handcrafted premiums with an interesting mixture of tobaccos. As per the name these cigars accomplish a fine balance or synchronisation between Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos. The blend comprises of Dominican and Nicaraguan long fillers bound by San Andres Negro binder from Mexico. They are bound by a Habano 2000 wrapper. The result is fine smoking cigar with complexity and creaminess all at the same package. It exudes luxurious notes of coffee, earth, leather and spices. These cigars will offer a different sort of smoking experience. The AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata Puritos Cigars are rolled in 4 x 30 sizes. They come in set of 10 Tins of 10. To buy these cigarillos place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.