AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata
Explore the Robust Flavor of AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata Cigars
Created by musician Avo Uzenian, the AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata cigar perfectly reflects the rhythm that you find in jazz music. Syncro means "bonfire" in Spanish. This cigar burns with the intensity and energy you see in its native Nicaragua.
This premium cigar features Condega and Esteli tobaccos balanced with mild Dominican tobaccos. The result is a creamy, subtle smoke with a spicy kick.
Go on a Flavor Journey With These Nicaraguan Cigars
The AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata cigars feature a full-bodied flavor. You'll experience a smooth yet refined smoke when you partake in this cigar. Some of the flavors you'll pick up include:
- Spice
- Cream
- Salted caramel
- Earth
- Leather
- Citrus zest
- Coffee
Browse Our Wide Selection of Premium Cigars
At Cuenca Cigars, we want to make it easy for our customers to find rare, handmade cigars. We carry an extensive collection of cigars, including AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata cigars. Shop our online store or drop by our Hollywood, FL, location.
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