AVO Cigars
An outstanding collaboration between two cigar visionaries, Hendrik Kelner and Avo Uvezian, the Avo Heritage Robusto Cigars are truly a masterpiece. Expertly crafted with years of knowledge and experience behind them, these cigars have earned an impressive 90-point rating from Cigar Aficionado Magazine. Dominican Ligero Seco and Peruvian long fillers make up the base while Ecuadorian sun grown Connecticut wrapper binds it all together firmly for a luxurious smoking experience.
The Avo Heritage Robusto is a full-bodied cigar that promises an exquisite smoking experience. Its distinct creaminess and smoothness will tantalize your taste buds with its flavors of cocoa, cedar, toast and subtle spices as they delicately float on the palate while it burns evenly in 4 7/8 x 50 size. Each sturdy box contains 20 cigars ready to give you joy - buy yours now at Cuenca Cigars for the best online price!
If you're as passionate about Nicaraguan cigars as we are, The Art of Smoking is your go-to source for all the information on Drew Estate - a perfect blend of tobaccos ideal for everyday smoking. Whether you’re an aficionado or just getting started, this website will keep you up to date with the latest news and trends in cigar culture. Don't miss out!