Asylum Cigars
Asylum Nyctophilia Fifty Cigars is a limited edition cigar available only at few selected stores. These rare cigars, made by Asylum Cigars, were released in the TAA convention and distributed among the members only. Packed with Nicaraguan long fillers and binder these cigars are all Maduro in character. To enwrap them an Ecuadorian Habano Maduro wrapper is used. This concoction imparts a medium bodied strength with rich notes of chocolate, coffee and hints of vanilla. Beautifully constructed, this Nyctophilia Fifty, burns smoothly releasing a pleasant aroma which lingers on even after the cigar finishes. The Asylum Nyctophilia Fifty is available in the shape of Toro in the size of 6 x 50. They come in polished wooden boxes packed in 25 pieces. To buy one of these boxes order them at Cuenca Cigars and find the best online price.