Asylum Cigars
Asylum Insidious Natural Cigars is a different take on the cigar of the Asylum cigars. Known for bolder smokes this time the Asylum has come up with a milder puro specially aimed for the beginners. They feature a blend of Honduran long fillers and binder bound by a smooth Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. This mild Insidious Natural does not lack on the flavour profile as they deliver a rich creamy smoke with hints of sweetness due to its sweet cap. The brilliant construction of these stogies ensures a smooth burn with effortless draw. The Asylum Insidious Natural in the shape of Toro is crafted in the size of 6 x 52. They come in polished wooden boxes which hold 25 cigars in each. To buy one of these boxes order them at Cuenca Cigars and find the best online price.