Asylum Cigars
Asylum Insidious Maduro is an extension of the original Insidious cigar line by Asylum. This Maduro is packed with same Honduran filler and binder like its cousin but the outer covering is different this time. It sports a dark San Andreas wrapper from Mexico that encases these tobaccos. Mild in character this Insidious Maduro is aimed at the novices. Featuring a sweet cap this cigar offers a blast of flavours accentuated with notes of cream, cocoa and spice. The flawless construction guarantees a smooth burn and easy draw. These sweet little beauties also come at pocket friendly prices making it lovelier. The Asylum Insidious Maduro in Toro shape is available in the size of 6 x 52. They are presented in dark intimidating wooden boxes in 25 pieces each. To buy one of these humidor box order them at Cuenca Cigars and find the best online price.