Asylum Cigars
Why settle for ordinary when you can savor the extraordinary? The Asylum 13 Nicaragua Maduro Sixty Cigars, crafted by the renowned Christian Eiroa, redefine boldness in premium cigars. Handcrafted using a secret blend of tobaccos from Nicaragua’s volcanic soils, these cigars deliver unparalleled complexity and strength in every draw.
Encased in a luxurious Nicaraguan Habano Maduro wrapper, the Sixty Maduro offers a flavor profile that’s nothing short of exceptional. Imagine an abundant peppery tang complemented by subtle hints of cream, earth, cedar, wood, and cocoa. It's a sensory experience crafted for those who demand nothing but the finest.
Not ready to purchase an entire box? No problem. The Sixty Maduro is now available as single cigars, letting you sample its impeccable flavor before going all in. When you’re ready, indulge in a chic cedar chest of 50 cigars—a perfect addition to any aficionado’s collection.
Place your order at Cuenca Cigars today, where premium quality meets unbeatable prices. Don’t just smoke a cigar—experience a masterpiece. Order your single now!