Asylum 13 Connecticut Seventy Cigars are notable premium cigars with a surprising profile. Being enwrapped in a Connecticut wrapper they are not too tamed to disappoint the seasoned smokers. At the same time they maintain a subtle profile that is easy for the novices. Crafted in the Honduran El Aladino factory they are born out of the mind of two famed cigar blenders, Christian Eiroa and Tom Lazuka. They pack a Honduran core of long fillers and binder tobaccos. The smoke produced is mild to medium bodied with hearty taste to savor. These Asylum 13 Connecticut Seventy Cigars are deftly rolled in the size of 7 x 70. They are packed in cabinets of 30. To buy these hearty Connecticut cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.