Experience the Majesty of Ashton VSG Enchantment Cigars
The Pinnacle of Cigar Craftsmanship
Looking for a cigar experience that transcends the ordinary? Ashton VSG Enchantment Cigars offer an unparalleled indulgence for true aficionados. Each puff is a symphony of dark chocolate, cedar, and earth, meticulously crafted to deliver a full-bodied flavor that lingers on your palate.
The Secret Behind the Flavor
What makes Ashton VSG truly exceptional? The secret lies in the blend of the finest 4 and 5-year-old aged Dominican tobaccos, grown on the exclusive Chateau de La Fuente. These cigars are crowned with the renowned Ecuadorian Virgin Sun-Grown wrapper, which contributes to their distinctive, rich bouquet. It's no wonder that Ashton VSG is among the world’s most highly rated cigars!
A Cigar Like No Other
Carlos Fuente Jr. himself invites you to experience what he cherishes in every Ashton VSG. With countless high scores and accolades, these cigars have cemented their place as a must-try for any serious cigar connoisseur.
Are you ready to elevate your smoking experience?
Handmade: | Y |
Country of Origin: | Dominican Republic |
Shape: | Figurado |
Size: | 4 1/4 x 60 |
Strength: | medium to full |
Wrapper: | Ashton Virgin Sun Grown from high-grade Sumatra |
Binder: | Dominican |
Filler: | Dominican |
Box Cigar Count: | 22 |
Is Box-Pressed: | N |