Ashton Symmetry Sublime Cigars Single is a premium quality cigar that offers the discerning smoker an exceptionally smooth and enjoyable experience. Crafted from a blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Honduran long-fillers, this exquisite smoke is shrouded in a golden Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. It has the perfect draw and burn and a medium body that produces a creamy and sweet flavor profile. Rich notes of cedar, cream, leather, nuts, earthiness, and spice fuse together to create an unforgettable taste sensation. In addition to its exceptional construction and flavor components, Ashton Symmetry Sublime Cigars Single 6 x 52 also comes with an array of sizes that will please any cigar aficionado. From their 6 1/4 x 52 Belicoso to their 6.75 x 49 Prestige Churchill – every size is packed with the same level of excellence. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing cigar to enjoy after dinner or something special for sharing with friends – Ashton Symmetry Sublime Cigars Single is sure to satisfy your most demanding tastes.