The Ashton Symmetry Belicoso Cigars Single measuring 5.25 x 52 is a handmade, Dominican-made cigar that has achieved a cult following amongst expert aficionados. Made from a select blend of aged Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, this cigar is hand-rolled with an Ecuadorian wrapper to create a medium to full-bodied flavor profile. It offers notes of cedar, black pepper, nutmeg, leather and dried fruit with hints of caramel and butterscotch. The burn is slow and even, while the draw provides a deep smoke that will tantalize your palate.
This award-winning Cuban-style cigar is perfect for any special occasion or just for your everyday enjoyment. It can be savored on its own or paired with scotch or bourbon to bring out some additional complexity in the flavors. Whether you are a novice smoker or an experienced connoisseur, this cigar will not disappoint!