Arturo Fuente Seleccion D’Oro Cigars cigars are handcrafted in the traditional Cuban technique and are a product of the revered Arturo Fuente Cigars. Blended with premium quality well-aged Dominican tobacco fillers and binder, an expensive dark and seamless Connecticut seed wrapper embodies the cigar. Medium to full-bodied the Arturo Fuente Seleccion Dí´oro Privada #1 cigars have a rich and complex smoke flavor profile. The cigarí´s construction is old-world with a pleasant draw and an even and steady burn. The Arturo Fuente Seleccion D'oro Privada #1 comes in the size of 6 3/4 x 44 which is a Lonsdale is available in a good looking chic box of 25 cigars. To buy one of the box place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.