What makes a cigar truly extraordinary? The Arturo Fuente Rosado Sungrown Magnum R Super Sixty answers this with its impeccable craftsmanship. Made with the finest all-Dominican filler and binder, these cigars deliver a flawlessly smooth, medium-bodied smoking experience. Perfectly hand-rolled in an exclusive Ecuadorian Rosado Sungrown wrapper, every puff offers a delightful balance of flavors that will captivate aficionados and casual smokers alike.
Prepare for a flavor adventure with every draw. Thick, satisfying clouds of smoke are filled with heady notes of sweet spice, leather, and cedar, layered with subtle undertones of pepper and cream. Expertly blended, this cigar has been designed to elevate your moments of relaxation or celebration, ensuring a refined experience that lingers long after the final puff.
Measuring at an impressive 6 x 60, the Magnum R Super Sixty is as bold in size as it is in flavor. It’s not just a cigar; it’s a statement of sophistication and taste. Cradled in a chic natural box of 24 cigars, this masterpiece is ideal for collectors and enthusiasts who demand the best from their smoking rituals.
Why settle for anything less than perfection? The Arturo Fuente Rosado Sungrown Magnum R Super Sixty provides an unparalleled smoking experience crafted for those who value quality, tradition, and exceptional flavor. Order now from Cuenca Cigars to enjoy the best online price and bring a taste of luxury into your collection.