Arturo Fuente Cigars
Fuente Fuente Opus X Double Robusto for Sale
The Fuente Fuente Opus X Double Robusto revolutionized the work of art industry when introduced in 1995. Nestled in the valley of El Cibao, Dominican Republic, lies Chateau de la Fuente, home to the most sought-after cigar of our time. The mineral-rich soils of the Dominican Republic once deemed unsuitable for wrapper tobacco had never met with the efforts, intuition, and creativity of Carlos "Carlitos" Fuente Jr., The Fuente family cultivated glorious wrapper tobacco that became the foundation for the renowned Arturo Fuente Opus X Double Robusto cigars. The first-ever 100% Dominican Puro was created by this unique man who wanted only to please his beloved father. His gamble paid off grandly and Americans quickly learned why it is impossible to be bored with just one glass in your cabinet.(some key words were deleted because it may give a strong impression about Déjà Vu). Arturo Fuente Opus X Double Robusto Cigars are handrolled with seamless Dominican Rosado wrappers and binders and fillers from the Dominican Republic. They're considered super premium cigars because of their limited quantities created, making them a rare cigar to have in your humidor. You can now buy Fuente Opus X double robusto from us here online.