Arturo Fuente Cigars
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Masterpiece Cigars - Natural Box of 10 is an exquisite cigar crafted with utmost care. This cigar is created as an honor to Ernest Hemingway, the world renowned American author. The core of this special cigar is comprised of carefully selected vintage Dominican fillers and binder. A well-aged natural African Cameroon wrapper is employed to roll this blend together. Medium in character these cigars have refined flavors and pleasant aroma. Perfectly constructed these cigars provide effortless draw and even, long burn. The Hemingway Masterpiece Cigar is available in the size of 9 x 52 which is a Perfecto. They come in wooden box packaging in 10 units. To buy one of these boxes place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.