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Arturo Fuente Fuente Opus X


Looking for Opus X in stock? This guide will tell you where to find these highly sought-after cigars and provide an overview of the different Opus X options available. The Fuente family, known for their significant contributions to the cigar industry, particularly through the development of the Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars, has transformed Dominican cigars with distinct flavor profiles and high-quality wrappers. Whether you’re after a balanced flavor or a long smoke session, we’ve got you covered.

Overview of Fuente Fuente Opus X Cigars

An artistic representation of Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars in an elegant setting.

Overview of Arturo Fuente Opus X Cigars

  • Best for Balanced Flavor: Fuente Fuente Opus X PerfecXion No. 2

  • Best for Size Variety: Fuente Fuente Opus X Double Robusto

  • Best for Long Smoke Sessions: Arturo Fuente Opus X Reserva D’ Chateau

  • Best for Special Occasions: Fuente Fuente Opus X PerfecXion A

Fuente Fuente Opus X - Best for Balanced Flavor

A vibrant illustration showcasing the balanced flavors of Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars.

Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars deliver balanced flavors and an unparalleled smoking experience. Their unique profile comes from Dominican Republic-grown tobacco, giving a rich, complex taste with dried fruit and raisin notes. Fuente tobaccos produce flavors that enhance the meticulous craftsmanship, ensuring a consistent, enjoyable draw with a sweet lingering fullness.

Despite its virtues, Fuente Fuente Opus X has drawbacks. Limited production makes it hard to find and its price can be a barrier. Still, for those who acquire it, the experience is exquisite.

Arturo Fuente Opus X PerfecXion No. 2 - Best for Complexity


  • Length: 6.375 inches

  • Ring Gauge: 52

  • Packaging: Boxes of 29

  • Sold as Single Cigars Online - Maximum 2 cigars per order

  • Evolving flavor profile with notes of pepper, nuts, and woodiness.

  • Excellent draw and consistent burn.

  • Luxurious and well-constructed.

  • High price point.

  • Some variability in flavor intensity as it ages.

Arturo Fuente Opus X PerfecXion No. 2 is known for its evolving flavor profile. Initial notes of pepper and nuts shift to woodiness, offering a rich and satisfying palate journey. Excellent draw and consistent burn make it a favorite.

The cigar features glorious wrapper tobacco cultivated in the mineral-rich soils of the Dominican Republic, enhancing its premium quality and craftsmanship.

Its luxurious nature comes with a high price, making it a special treat rather than an everyday indulgence for cigar aficionados and cigar enthusiasts. Some smokers note variability in exquisite flavor intensity as it ages, which can be a drawback for those seeking consistency with wrapper tobacco and glorious wrapper tobacco.

Fuente Fuente Opus X Double Robusto - Best for Size Variety


  • Length: 5.75 inches

  • Ring Gauge: 52

  • Packaging: Boxes of 42

  • Sold as Single Cigars Online - Maximum 2 cigars per order

  • Robust taste with a well-constructed design.

  • Offers a variety of sizes for different preferences.

  • Long smoking session.

  • Hard to source due to limited production.

Fuente Fuente Opus X Double Robusto is celebrated for its robust taste and design. At 7.625 inches long with a 49 ring gauge, it offers a long, satisfying smoke. Its size variety allows smokers to choose their perfect size, making it versatile. The cultivation of wrapper tobacco in the Dominican Republic, particularly in mineral-rich soils, contributes to the unique richness and flavor complexity of the Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars.

Despite its positives, Double Robusto can be pricey and hard to source due to limited production. However, for those who appreciate a robust, flavorful cigar, it’s worth the effort.

Arturo Fuente Opus X Reserva D' Chateau - Best for Long Smoke Sessions

An artistic depiction of a long smoke session with Arturo Fuente Opus X Reserva D' Chateau cigars.


  • Length: 7 inches

  • Ring Gauge: 48

  • Packaging: Boxes of 32

  • Sold as Single Cigars Online - Maximum 2 cigars per order

  • Prolonged smoking experience.

  • Smooth draw and elegant presentation.

  • Ideal for special occasions.

  • Limited availability.

Arturo Fuente Opus X Reserva D’ Chateau is ideal for long smoke sessions. At 7 inches long with a 48 ring gauge, it offers a prolonged, contemplative experience. Its smooth draw and elegant presentation make it perfect for special occasions.

Like many premium cigars, Reserva D’ Chateau is pricey and has limited availability. Despite these drawbacks, its exceptional qualities make it a standout choice for those who appreciate a lengthy, luxurious smoke.

Fuente Fuente Opus X PerfecXion A - Best for Special Occasions

An elegant illustration of Fuente Fuente Opus X PerfecXion A cigars for special occasions.


  • Length: 9.125 inches

  • Ring Gauge: 47

  • Packaging: Boxes of 20

  • Sold as Single Cigars Online - Maximum 2 cigars per order

  • Full-bodied flavors with notes of leather and earth.

  • Unique blend as the first-ever Dominican puro.

  • Ideal for significant celebrations.

  • Limited availability.

Fuente Fuente Opus X PerfecXion A represents the pinnacle of luxury in the Opus X range. Full-bodied flavors with leather and earth notes and a sweet finish make it ideal for significant celebrations. Its unique blend as the first-ever Dominican puro sets it apart, much like the chateau de la fuente.

PerfecXion A offers a unique, enjoyable smoking experience. Its high price and limited availability may limit everyday use. However, for special occasions, it is an exceptional choice that enhances the overall experience.

Understanding Fuente Fuente Opus X Family of Cigars

Fuente Fuente Opus X Family of Cigars

The Fuente Fuente Opus X Family consists of five distinct blends, each offering a unique flavor profile and characteristic blend. These blends are meticulously crafted to provide a range of experiences for cigar aficionados, from the rich and complex to the smooth and balanced. The Fuente family has dedicated years to perfecting these blends, ensuring that each cigar delivers a premium smoking experience.

In addition to their exceptional flavor profiles, Opus X cigars are known for their impeccable construction. The Fuente family employs traditional cigar-making techniques combined with modern innovations to create cigars that are not only flavorful but also beautifully crafted. From the tight triple cap to the slightly oily, toothy texture, every detail is designed to enhance the smoking experience.

The limited production of Opus X cigars adds to their allure, making them highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts alike. Each release is eagerly anticipated, and the cigars often sell out quickly, adding to their exclusivity. For those fortunate enough to acquire them, Opus X cigars offer a smoking experience that is truly unparalleled.

The Fuente Fuente Opus X Family represents the pinnacle of cigar craftsmanship, combining rich history, meticulous attention to detail, and a passion for excellence. These cigars are more than just a smoke; they are a celebration of the art of cigar making, a testament to the Fuente family's dedication to their craft, and a luxurious indulgence that elevates any occasion.

Here's a brief overview of the Opus X Cigars blends:

How to Choose the Right Fuente Fuente Opus X Cigar

An informative illustration on how to choose the right Fuente Fuente Opus X cigar.

Selecting the right Fuente Fuente Opus X cigar involves considering flavor profile, smoking experience, and personal preferences. The Opus X series is seen as a luxury offering in the cigar community, appealing to both connoisseurs and casual smokers.

Carlos Fuente Jr., the Master Blender behind the Opus X cigars, played a pivotal role in pioneering the Dominican puro cigar and cultivating the exceptional wrapper tobacco, solidifying the legacy of the Fuente family in the premium cigar market.

Different sizes and flavor profiles cater to various preferences. For instance, Double Robusto offers earthy flavors, subtle spices, and sweetness in each draw, making it versatile. PerfecXion A, at 9.125 inches long with a 47 ring gauge, provides a notable smoking experience, showcasing cigar perfection.

When choosing a Fuente Fuente Opus X cigar, consider the occasion and desired experience. For special occasions, PerfecXion A or Reserva D’ Chateau are excellent choices. For balanced flavor, Fuente Fuente Opus X is ideal, while Double Robusto offers size variety to suit different preferences.

Understanding Arturo Fuente Opus X Cigar Features

Arturo Fuente Opus X cigars are known for their high-quality craftsmanship and rich flavor profiles. Made in the Dominican Republic, these cigars showcase a tradition of excellence. They feature a tight triple cap and a slightly oily, toothy texture, ensuring a steady, consistent burn. The cultivation of wrapper tobacco for Opus X cigars benefits from the mineral-rich soils of the Dominican Republic, which contribute to their renowned richness and flavor complexity.

Opus X cigars have a complex flavor profile that evolves throughout the smoking experience. Elements like cocoa, coffee, caramel, leather, and various spices create a savory, satisfying balance that appeals to enthusiasts. The medium to full-bodied strength intensifies as smoking progresses, providing a robust, enjoyable experience.

A defining characteristic of Opus X cigars is their aging process, which includes curing in rum barrels and aging for a year before packaging. This meticulous process enhances flavor and overall experience, making Opus X cigars a favorite among both experienced and novice enthusiasts.


In conclusion, Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars are a testament to the Fuente family’s dedication to creating the finest cigars in the world. The Fuente family has significantly contributed to the cigar industry by developing the Opus X cigars, transforming Dominican cigars with distinct flavor profiles and high-quality wrappers. Each cigar in the Opus X series offers a unique and luxurious smoking experience, from the balanced flavors of the Fuente Fuente Opus X to the complex profile of the Arturo Fuente Opus X PerfecXion No. 2.

Whether you’re looking for a cigar for a special occasion or an everyday indulgence, the Opus X series has something to offer. With their rich histories, intricate flavors, and meticulous craftsmanship, these cigars are a must-try for any cigar enthusiast. Experience the pinnacle of cigar perfection with Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars and elevate your smoking experience to new heights.

A FAQ Page Fuente Fuente Opus X Cigars

The Fuente Opus X is a highly sought-after cigar among tobacco aficionados, known for its exquisite taste, rich, and impeccable construction. As such, it is not surprising that the Fuente Opus X comes with a hefty price tag.

The exact cost of a Fuente Opus X varies based on several factors, such as the size of the cigar, the packaging, the rarity and limited availability best cigars, and the location of purchase. On average, a single Fuente Opus X cigar can cost anywhere from $25 to $50, with some larger sizes or limited editions reaching upwards of $100.

It is important to note that the Fuente Opus X is not just priced for its brand name or hype but for its quality and rarity. The Opus X is one of the few cigars that is entirely made of Dominican tobacco, including wrappers, binders, and fillers. Furthermore, the tobacco used for Opus X is cultivated in a special microclimate in the Dominican Republic, which contributes to its unique flavor profile and consistency.

The Fuente Opus X is also well regarded as a limited-production cigar, with only a few select tobacconists receiving allocations each year. This exclusivity, along with its exceptional taste and quality, makes the Fuente Opus X a cherished item among cigar enthusiasts.

In conclusion, while the cost of a Fuente Opus X cigar may seem steep to some, it is a reflection of the cigar's exceptional quality, rarity, and exclusivity. For those who appreciate the finer things in life, a Fuente Opus X is worth the investment.

Opus X BBMF is a high-end cigar produced by the premium cigar brand, the Arturo Fuente opus name. The name "BBMF" stands for "Big Bad Mother F*#@er," which is a nod to the cigar's larger-than-life size and reputation. Carlos Carlito Fuente Jr. is nicknamed "The Toy Maker" and he enjoys challenging and changing outdated beliefs and prejudices in a respectful way.

The Opus X line of cigars is widely regarded as one of the world the very best cigars amoung cigar connoisseurs, and the most sought-after in the world. They are made with a unique blend of Dominican tobacco that is grown exclusively for Arturo Fuente and are known for their rich, complex flavor profile and full body.

The Arturo Fuente Opus X BBMF variant of the Opus X line is particularly special, as it is one of the largest cigars available on the market. It measures at an impressive 6 3/4 inches by 64 ring gauge, which is larger than most standard cigars. The BBMF is also known for its smooth, impeccable construction, with a thick, oily wrapper and smooth, perfectly packed filler.

Despite its bold and intimidating name and size, a nod to Cigar Perfection, the Opus X BBMF is a cigar that is meant to be savored and enjoyed slowly. It is a testament to the skill and exquisite craftsmanship of the artisans at Arturo Fuente and a true masterpiece in the world of premium cigars.

One detail that people often overlook is that these finest cigars are intended for charity. A significant portion of the proceeds from these cigars is donated to the Cigar Family Charitable Foundation. The foundation helps children from El Cibao in fulfilling their aspirations with the assistance of the Fuente and Newman families. El Cibao is located in the Dominican Republic, which is where the Chateau de la Fuente is situated.

The Fuente Fuente OpusX Double Robusto finest cigar was recently recognized as the top-rated Opus X cigar. Earning a 97 rating and a spot in Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 Cigars of the Year list on January 1, 2021. Similarly, the Fuente Fuente OpusX Belicoso XXX received a 96 rating and was also featured in Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 list on January 1, 2005. Just to name a few.