Arturo Fuente Cigars
Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Eye of the Shark Cigar is released to mark this brand's two special occasions: the 80th birthday of its Don Carlos Fuente Sr and the 30th anniversary of its Don Carlo line favorite cigars. The Shark cigars sport a unique shape that makes them stand out. A trademark size from the Fuente Family!
This stogie features a blend of Dominican tobaccos inside a glossy Cameroon wrapper. Beautifully constructed, it delivers plumes of smoke with an effortless and smooth draw and burns. The smoke contains notes of spices, nuts, and some more citrus notes. All the flavors are nicely balanced in a medium body profile.
We are selling Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Eye of the Shark cigars in 20-count red boxes. These cigars measure 5 3/4 x 52 and are highly regarded as one of the best cigars worldwide, having won the 2017 Cigar of the Year award. They are named after their creator, Don Carlos Fuente, Sr. These cigars are made from mature Dominican vintage tobacco that have been aged for as long as 10 years. The cigars offer a rich and flavorful taste, partly thanks to the high-quality African Cameroon wrappers. Don't miss the chance to try these excellent cigars.
Every once in a while, a cigar comes along that is truly special - with an intriguing and unique blend up, captivating shape, and remarkable backstory. The Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Eye of the Shark has checked all these boxes and maintained its classic standards of excellence. This explains why Cigar Aficionado awarded it their 2017 Cigar of the Year!
When it comes to the Eye of The Shark, a unique shape, this special blend is based on its predecessor - the original Don Carlos Cigar, released in 1976. However, some modifications were made for this particular release as Fuentes are quite secretive about how they created it. We know that a Cameroon leather wrapper encases carefully aged Dominican Republic tobaccos which make up most Don Carlos cigars. To discover what's so distinctively different between these two, however? You'll have to use your imagination or simply taste the savory aroma!
Every time we inquire about the components of the Fuente family's amazing premium cigars, Carlito Fuente Jr.'s response is always the same—Tobacco! But something a consumer always gets, its and awesome smoke, flawless construction, slightly sweet flavor coming from the African Cameroon and the savory aroma. The shape of this great cigar with amazing smoke is a distinctive box pressed cigar. There is nothing like a Fuente Don Carlos Eye of the Shark.
This cigar may be hard to find due to its limited availability, but that doesn't stop aficionados from going wild when they come across one! It's become a regular production gem among the many fans of its smooth flavor and light, luxurious burning experience.
In 2017, Cigar Aficionado Magazine had the honor of naming the Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Eye of the Shark Cigar No 1 Cigar of the Year. This regular production beauty may be difficult to get your hands on due to limited availability, yet that doesn't stop aficionados from going crazy when they spot one!
Get the world the best value for your money when you buy from Cuenca Cigars! Our rare cigars are so coveted that we only offer two per cart. Plus, all our shipments come with Boveda's industry-leading Humidification system - nothing is too good for our company and our valued customers.
The name appears to be based on the cigar's shape, which resembles the body of a great white shark when viewed horizontally. The cigar's distinctive smoking qualities become apparent once the box-pressed foot's four corners are fully lit.
Its size is 5 3/4 x 52, smaller than the standard 5 5/8 x 54 size of the Añejo cigar. The Eye of the Shark wrapper is known in cigar industry for its unique shape, starting with a rounded bellicose tip and ending with a square box-pressed foot.