Arturo Fuente Casa Cuba Doble Dos | Single Cigars Online, the latest cigars produced by Arturo Fuente Family, is available now at Cuenca Cigars. Casa Cuba Doble Dos is the first cigar produced by the Fuente Family that doesn't have the family brand name Arturo Fuente. These cigars use also the name Flor Fina, which is a very recognized line under Arturo Fuente Cigars brand. The flavor profile falls more into the category of the Arturo Fuente 858 Flor Fina Sungrown, than the previously Arturo Fuente 858 Flor Fina Natural or Maduro. The golden brownish Ecuadorian wrapper used for this blend is carefully selected to fit only a super premium tobacco for a super premium blend. Delicious and tasty Dominican binders and fillers tobacco are responsible for the richness of these cigars. There is to many a similar flavor profile to the Fuente Fuente Opus X line in a most medium strength. Casa Cuba Doble Dos is a 6 1/2 x 42. Packaged in wooden cabinet boxes of 30 cigars, the Casa Fuente Double Tres is definitely a must try by cigar aficionados and cigar fans. Since the cigars are limited, they were created as a Brick and Mortar line and it is only available in a limited quantity of Cigar Stores in USA. Want to know more, feel free to call us at 954-364-7660.