Arturo Fuente Cigars
Shop now to purchase individual Arturo Fuente Anejo 48 cigars, which are known for their delightful aroma due to their Maduro wrapper. These limited edition Dominican puro cigars from Arturo Fuente contain Dominican fillers and binders aged for at least 5 years in cognac barrels, wrapped in an aged Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper.
These full-bodied Anejo Reserva 48 Mad Puros cigars are both bold and smooth to smoke. They have received high ratings from critics, including a 94-point score from Cigar Insider. The Churchill-shaped cigars are skillfully handmade and come in 25-count wooden boxes. You can purchase them individually at the best online prices by placing an order at Cuenca Cigars. Arturo Fuente Anejo is available for sale at their online store.