Alec Bradley Cigars
Alec Bradley Sanctum Robusto Cigars are stunning premium cigars by the makers of several 90+ rated gems called Alec Bradley. These cigars have a mix of Columbian, Nicaraguan and Honduran long fillers bound by a Costa Rican binder at the core. On the top it has a Honduran Corojo wrapper. The smoke derived is robust and quite distinct with medium to full body profile. They capture the senses with balanced flavors of fruit, pepper, spice and wood. Due to its solid construction the burn and draw is excellent and thus a delight to smoke for all. They have bagged a notable 93 point rating and a spot in the top 25 cigars list. These Alec Bradley Sanctum Robusto Cigars are constructed in the size of 5 x 52. They are packed in over the top designer boxes in set of 20. To buy these gems of Alec Bradley, place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.