Alec Bradley Cigars
Step out of your day-to-day and into something extraordinary with Alec Bradley Project 40 Robusto Cigars! With this value-priced cigar brand, you can experience the same high-end smoking experience even on a budget. This box of 24 robusto cigars are 5 x 50, and feature a Nicaraguan wrapper to provide a unique and exciting smoking experience. You won't find this combination of quality and price anywhere else!
Experience the concept of Project 40 first hand - a concept based on the thought that 50% percent of your happiness comes from genetics, 10% is based on circumstance, and the remaining 40% all depends on your outlook and mindset. Smoking these cigars allows you to take part in an activity that can help relax you and create a sense of comfort and mental well-being - which could just be what you need to reach that 40%.
Smoke with friends or savor one by yourself - however you choose to enjoy Alec Bradley Project 40 Robusto Cigars, do it in style! Treat yourself to an amazing smoking experience without breaking the bank - get yours today!