Alec Bradley Cigars
Alec Bradley Prensado Lost Art Churchill Cigars are marvellous cigars made as a line extension of the insanely popular Prensado line. These are handcrafted in Honduras and boast of a solid construction. They are packed with filler and binder tobaccos from Nicaragua and Honduras. They are encased in a dark, shimmering Honduran Corojo wrapper. The result is a fantastic smoke in medium to full body profile and displays an array of flavours. Notes of oak, leather, espresso and dark tobacco fill the mouth and then give way to a sweet, creamy finish. They burn in a slow and even manner making the whole process even more enjoyable. Like their cousins they too are destined to become great. These Alec Bradley Prensado Lost Art Churchill Cigars have a size of 7 x 50 and come in 20 count boxes. Buy them at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.