Alec Bradley Prensado, crafted by the skilled hands of Alan Rubin, stands out as one of the most daring creations from this esteemed cigar house. This exceptional cigar showcases a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran long filler tobaccos, perfectly complemented by a magnificent Corojo wrapper grown in Trojes, Honduras. Cultivated in 2006 and meticulously fermented for a minimum of two years, this wrapper lends its captivating allure to the blend.
Indulging in these full-bodied cigars is a sensory delight, with each puff delivering a bold symphony of flavors including notes of rich coffee, supple leather, decadent chocolate, and tantalizing spice. It comes as no surprise that this extraordinary cigar has garnered an impressive 96-point rating, earning the prestigious title of the top cigar of 2011, as bestowed by Cigar Aficionado.
The Prensado Double Toro, sized at 6 x 62, is elegantly presented in 24 count boxes. To acquire one of these coveted boxes, simply place an order with Cuenca Cigars and relish in the pleasure of obtaining them at the best online price available.