Alec Bradley Cigars
Alec Bradley MAXX is a robustly designed cigar meant for longer enjoyment. Made of four nation filler blend, this cigar is a fine combination of rich array of flavours and strength. Nicaragua, Columbia, Honduras and Mexico are the four places from where the filler tobaccos are collected for this cigar. A Costa Rican binder protects these tobaccos which are hidden under a dark, Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper. Medium to full in body these cigars offer a long, enjoyable smoking experience. Laced with notes of leather, earth and cocoa they leave a naturally sweet aftertaste on the palate. Perfectly constructed these cigars have received several accolades from the critics which include 9.6 out of 10 from the SMOKE Magazine and impressive 91 point rating. The MAXX The EGO is a Presidente and measures 9 1/4 x 50 which come packed in 20 count boxes. To buy a box of MAXX The EGO place an order now at Cuenca Cigars and get them at the best online prices.