Alec Bradley Cigars
Alec Bradley MAXX is a robust cigar designed in extra-large ring gauges and lengths. Tobaccos from four countries, namely, Nicaragua, Columbia, Honduras and Mexico, are blended together to create this cigar. A Costa Rican binder keeps these tobaccos in place and a dark Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper cloaks them. Beautifully balanced, these cigars are extraordinarily smooth and creamy. Medium to full in body they are laced with notes of leather, earth and cocoa and ends leaving a natural sweet aftertaste. The longer sizes ensure a delightful smoking experience on the part of the smokers. This luxurious cigar has rightfully received 91 point rating and 9.6 out of 10 from the SMOKE Magazine. The MAXX The Culture is a Churchill which measures 6.5x54 and available in 20 count boxes. To buy a box of MAXX The Culture, place an order now at Cuenca Cigars and get them at the best online prices.