Alec Bradley Cigars
Alec Bradley Black Market Churchill cigars is a premium luxurious cigar made from variety of tobaccos. Long fillers from Honduras, Jamastran as well as Panamanian and binders from Sumatra are clubbed together to create this unique cigar. A Jalapa wrapper from Nicaragua cloaks this four nation blend after going through long process of curing. The end result is a super smooth and creamy cigar that dishes out spicy-sweet notes. Medium in body these cigars have a slow, dry burn releasing thick smoke. These cigars have been highly praised by the cigar critics who have given it a well-deserved 90 point rating. The Black Market Churchill is 7 x 50 in size and come in 20 count boxes. To buy a box of these cigars place an order now at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.