1947 ALADINO 1961 Petit Corona Cigars are masterpieces by one of the most experienced cigar family. Headed by members of Eiroa family, these cigars use authentic Corojo tobaccos from Honduras. These tobaccos blended masterfully create an old and classic smoke very much reminiscent of cigars from 1947 to 1961 era. The body profile of these cigars is in medium range with a variety of flavours. Earth, spices, pepper, caramel, fruits and natural tobaccos are some of the most prominent notes throughout the smoke. The burn and draw both is excellent making the experience even better. These are lauded by the critics as well as the smoke enthusiasts for such an amazing smoke. The Petite Corona is 4 x 40 in sizes and come in artfully designed boxes of 20. Buy these 1947 ALADINO 1961 Petit Corona Cigars at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.