1947 Aladino 1961 Churchill Cigars are masterfully handcrafted premiums from JRE Tobacco Company headed by Julio and Justo Eiroa. These cigars hold a special place as they are blended entirely with authentic Corojo tobaccos grown in Eiroa family farms in Honduras. This blend of tobaccos creates an outstanding smoke that is reminiscent of classic, old world Cuban cigars of 1947 to 1961 era. It delivers a medium bodied smoke with rich notes of earth, spices, pepper, caramel, fruits and natural tobaccos. The solid construction ensures a perfect draw and burn. Overall, they are very impressive and one of the favourite smoke of the critics and enthusiasts alike. The Churchill is 7 x 48 in sizes and come in artfully designed boxes of 20. Buy these 1947 Aladino 1961 Churchill Cigars at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.