Handcrafted in Nicaragua, the San Lotano Requiem Habano Toro is a tribute to timeless Cuban cigar craftsmanship, revived by third-generation master crafter AJ Fernandez. His passion and expertise breathe new life into his grandfather’s legendary brand, delivering a cigar that embodies legacy and innovation.
Looking for a cigar with complexity and depth? The San Lotano Requiem Habano Toro delivers a full-bodied experience, offering a tantalizing mix of spicy and coffee notes. Encased in a Brazilian Habano wrapper, its flavor profile is perfectly balanced by a Nicaraguan binder and a meticulously crafted filler blend sourced from Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic.
With a generous 6” length and a robust 60 ring gauge, this Toro-shaped cigar is expertly hand-rolled to perfection. Its round construction and eye-catching Colorado-colored wrapper make it a standout addition to any aficionado’s collection. Encased in cellophane for freshness, the San Lotano Requiem demands to be admired and savored.
Why settle for ordinary when you can experience extraordinary? Elevate your smoking ritual with the bold sophistication of San Lotano Requiem Habano Toro cigars. Whether you’re enjoying a solo moment of indulgence or sharing with fellow enthusiasts, you’ll savor a smoking experience crafted to perfection.
Get yours today and taste the legacy!