The AJ Fernandez Dias de Gloria Toro cigar is a tribute to the time before the 1959 Cuban revolution when AJ believes premium Cuban tobacco was at its peak. This Nicaraguan puro uses aged tobacco from four of AJ's farms and has notes of sweet cedar, earthy tobacco, cocoa, and spices. Get your hands on one to experience a taste of the past when Cuban cigars were the best.
The AJ Fernandez Dias de Gloria Toro is a handmade Nicaraguan puro cigar with a smooth, dark chocolatey wrapper. It has a medium strength delivers distinct notes of cocoa, spice, and earth for a delightful smoking experience. Its excellent construction and complex flavors are reminiscent of Pre-Revolutionary Cuban cigars.
If you like cigar smoking, this is a cigar you go for. Excellent flavor and incredibly strong smoke. Nothing is disappointing in this. Cuenca Cigars always delivered promptly with excellent pricing.
AJ Fernandez honored the prime time of Cuban tobacco by creating a cigar blend called Dias De Gloria. This blend uses aged tobacco from his four oldest farms in Estelí, Nicaragua: Finca los Cedros, La Providencia 1, La Soledad, and La Lilia.
As described by AJ Fernandez, Dias De Gloria is a cigar made entirely of Nicaraguan tobacco. Its taste is reminiscent of Cuban tobacco from the era before Castro.
Yes, they do. Cigar Aficionado has given them a 90 points rating. The flavor profile includes earthy and coffee notes, with secondary flavors of French peanut, chocolate, and red pepper spice. The draw is open, and the burn is even. When smoked, the Dias de Gloria Toro cigar offers enjoyable flavor notes of graham cracker, blackberry, chocolate, honey cashew, and leather.
These cigars have medium to full body strength and flavors of cocoa, earth, cedar, and spices. You can buy them in boxes of 20 or five packs using a soft box pressed format covered individually in cedar sleeve and double band.