AJ Fernandez Cigars
The AJ Viva La Vida Torpedo Cigars are high-quality, handmade cigars created by the renowned AJ Fernandez. They contain a delightful combination of Nicaraguan long-fillers, including Corojo and Criollo 98, which are wrapped in a sweet and dark Nicaraguan Colorado Maduro wrapper. Smoking the cigars provides you with a complex experience that includes flavors of earth, cedar, spices, and espresso. The Gran Toro shape is 6 1/2 x 54, making it the perfect size for those who want to enjoy a long and satisfying smoking session.
The Viva La Vida Torpedo cigar by AJ Fernandez is known for its high quality and attention to detail. The cigar has a dark brown wrapper and a smooth draw that produces lots of smoke. Each puff will give you a rich and satisfying flavor experience with notes of coffee, leather, sweet spices, nuts, cocoa and wood.
For experienced smokers seeking a stronger smoke, particularly after dinner or for special occasions, the AJ Fernandez Viva La Vida Torpedo is an excellent option. Our product boasts a unique flavor profile, with a wealth of complex layers to please even the most discriminating palates. Now available for purchase in singles, you can try it out for yourself!