AJ Fernandez New World Dorado
Discover the Prestige of AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Cigars: A Connoisseur's Selection
As a cigar enthusiast, you likely understand the importance of selecting a high-quality cigar with a rich, satisfying flavor profile. AJ Fernandez, a renowned name in the world of premium cigars, offers an exquisite selection for the refined palate: the New World Dorado line. Dive into the prestige of these Nicaraguan puros, crafted with tobacco from a single farm, and explore the various sizes and flavors that cater to every connoisseur’s taste buds.
Snapshot of AJ Fernandez's Finest
The New World Dorado cigars are meticulously crafted by the AJ Fernandez Cigar Company, boasting a remarkable score of 93 from Cigar Aficionado and an average customer rating of 4.23. These Nicaraguan puros are made with tobacco sourced exclusively from the Fernandez family’s Dorado farm in Estelí, providing a smooth and flavorful cold draw.
Here’s an overview of the top offerings from the New World Dorado line, each crafted to satisfy varying preferences:
Best for Traditionalists: AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Robusto
Best for a Leisurely Smoke: AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Gordito
Best for Unique Complexity: AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Figurado
Best for Balanced Smoke: AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Toro
Best for Full-Bodied Flavor - AJ Fernandez New World Dorado
Price: Varies by size
Nicaraguan puro
Habano Sun Grown Wrapper
Nicaraguan Binder and Filler
Produced at the San Lotano Factory
The New World Dorado line, famed for its full-bodied flavor profile, showcases a blend of Nicaraguan tobacco predominantly sourced from the company’s Dorado farm in Estelí. Each cigar within the line is wrapped in a Habano sun grown wrapper, adding depth and richness to the taste. As you savor the complex flavors, you’ll discover notes of:
musky leather
All wrapped in a Cuban seed wrapper.
Origination from Nicaragua, the New World Dorado cigar provides a medium-full flavor profile, leading to a gratifying and delightful smoking experience. The construction of the cigar is excellent, ensuring a good draw and a slow burn. As you explore the different sizes within the line, you’ll find that each offers a distinctive smoking experience, tailored to suit various preferences and tastes.
Best for Traditionalists - AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Robusto
Price: $11.00
Size: 5 1/2 x 52
Strength: Medium to Full-bodied
Classic cigar size and experience
Distinct flavor profile with earthy and spicy notes
May not be ideal for those seeking a milder smoking experience
Being a traditionalist, the classic experience offered by the AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Robusto is something I value. This cigar delivers a medium to full-bodied flavor profile, with distinct flavors including:
Baker’s spice
Natural tobacco
Subtle hints of cinnamon and creaminess
Measuring 5 1/2 inches long with a 52 ring gauge, the AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Robusto is a cigar that is sure to satisfy any aficionado.
During my smoking session, I was impressed by the savory, meaty, and spicy notes. The smoke was chewy and fluffy, with a hint of sweetness, and the burn was even throughout. Overall, the AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Robusto is a delicious and enjoyable cigar that I highly recommend to those seeking a classic, full-bodied experience.
Flavor: 4.5/5
Construction: 4.5/5
Burn: 4.5/5
Draw: 5/5
Best for a Leisurely Smoke - AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Gordito
Price: Varies by retailer
Size: 5 1/2 x 60
Larger ring gauge for richer, more intense flavor
Longer smoking time for a leisurely experience
May not be suitable for those who prefer a shorter smoking session
When it comes to indulging in a more extensive, relaxing smoke, I prefer the AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Gordito. The larger ring gauge contributes to a richer and more intense flavor profile, while the 5 1/2 x 60 size allows for a longer smoking time, perfect for those moments when I want to sit back and savor every puff.
During my smoking session, I was delighted by the smooth and mellow taste, with notes of sweet cocoa and a mixture of barnyard flavors. The smoke had a chewy, fluffy texture, and a hint of sweetness, while the aroma was bold and inviting.
In summary, the AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Gordito offers a solid smoking experience with smoky and spicy flavors, making it an excellent choice for a relaxing and enjoyable moment.
Flavor: 4.5/5
Construction: 4.5/5
Burn: 4/5
Draw: 5/5
Best for Unique Complexity - AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Figurado
Price: Varies by retailer
Size: 6 x 56
Unique shape and complexity
Distinct shape adds to the smoking experience
Long finish with a variety of flavor notes
May be more challenging to smoke for beginners
If you’re on the hunt for a distinct and intricate smoking experience, the AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Figurado makes a fine selection. Here are some key features of this cigar:
Distinct shape
Colorado maduro wrapper shade
Long finish with notes of roasted peanuts
Constant spice around the tongue
Highly praised construction
This great cigar ensures a satisfying experience from beginning to end.
I was able to smell suggestions of meat, bread, aged tobacco, sweetness and musty wood before I lit the candle. All of these aromas combined to give a unique fragrance. The draw was initially snug but became more consistent as the cigar burned. As I savored the flavors, I appreciated the medium strength and the balance of toasted cedar, earth, mild black pepper, wood, spices, chocolate, and bread in the final third of the cigar.
Overall, the AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Figurado is a standout choice for experienced smokers seeking something different.
Flavor: 4.5/5
Construction: 5/5
Burn: 4/5
Draw: 4/5
Best for Balanced Smoke - AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Toro
Price: $12.00
Size: 6 x 54
Slow burn
Balanced smoke for a relaxing experience
Slow burn allows for a longer smoking time
May not be suitable for those who prefer a more intense smoking experience
When I crave a balanced smoke with a slow burn, the AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Toro is my top selection. The 6 x 54 size provides a relaxing and enjoyable smoking experience, allowing me to unwind and savor the intricate flavors of the cigar. This cigar exhibits an intense and assertive earthy and pepper profile, reminiscent of certain high-proof bourbons.
Throughout my smoking session, I enjoyed the clean and effortless draw, producing an abundant amount of smoke with each puff. The construction of the cigar is excellent, ensuring a consistent burn and a slow and satisfying smoking experience. With a burn score of 93, the AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Toro is a top choice for those seeking a balanced and enjoyable smoke.
Flavor: 4.5/5
Construction: 5/5
Burn: 4.5/5
Draw: 5/5
Selecting Your Ideal New World Dorado Cigar
Selecting a New World Dorado cigar that aligns with your preferences and taste can significantly improve your smoking experience. Consider the size, flavor profile, and smoking experience of each cigar in the line. The New World Dorado line offers four distinct sizes: Robusto, Toro, Gordito, and World Dorado Corona, each providing a unique smoking experience.
For instance, the Robusto size offers a classic experience, with a distinct flavor profile of:
natural tobacco
baker’s spice
On the other hand, the Gordito size delivers a leisurely smoke with a slower burn, featuring sweet cocoa and barnyard flavors.
If you’re looking for something unique, the Figurado size provides complexity and a long finish with notes of roasted peanuts and spice.
Finally, the Toro size offers a balanced smoke with a slow burn, ideal for a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
Exploring the various sizes and flavors within the New World Dorado line can guarantee a satisfying and unforgettable smoking experience tailored to your unique preferences.
In conclusion, the AJ Fernandez New World Dorado line presents a prestigious selection of cigars, crafted with tobacco from a single Nicaraguan farm. The four distinct sizes – Robusto, Toro, Gordito, and Figurado – cater to different preferences and tastes, offering a range of unique smoking experiences. Each cigar within the line boasts an impressive flavor profile, with notes varying from earthy and spicy to sweet and creamy.
Whether you’re a traditionalist seeking a classic cigar experience or an adventurous smoker looking for a unique and complex blend, the New World Dorado line has something for every connoisseur. So, light up one of these exceptional cigars, sit back, and enjoy the unparalleled flavors of AJ Fernandez’s finest creations.
A FAQ Page New world Dorado Cigars
The new addition to the New World Series is based on a journey through Nicaragua's famous tobacco-growing region. It features an all-Nicaraguan blend sourced mainly from AJ Fernandez Dorado farm, aptly named after single farm for its distinct golden texture taste and flavor. It's a tribute to AJ's dedication and commitment and Nicaragua's remarkable tobacco made of Cuban Seed wrapper.
The New World Dorado cigars are manufactured at Fernandez's San Lotano factory in Nicaragua. El Dorado's all nicaraguan blend. They are available in four sizes: Robusto (5 1/2 inches by 52 ring gauge), Toro (6 by 54), Gordito (5 1/2 by 60), and a double-tapered Figurado (6-by-56). The estimated prices for the New World Dorado cigars range from $11 to $12.80. These are regular-production cigars, but they will be limited based on the availability of this tobacco wrapper. New World Dorado Cigars feature an all-Nicaraguan blend. Please note that these prices are approximate and do not account for inflation or Cigar Manufacturing Cost Increase.
The New World Cigars line, which includes New World Oscuro, Cameroon, and Connecticut, is known for being affordable but not poor quality. They are actually considered to be great cigars at some of the best prices in the market, alongside the New World Dorado.
A.J. Fernandez released a new cigar called the New World Connecticut Gordo. The cigar measures 6 inches long and has a ring gauge of 60. It will be sold for $8. Additionally, the popular New World blend from A.J. Fernandez will now be available in a smaller size called the petit corona, featuring the same box of 21 same dark oscuro wrapper. The New World Series will also offer a variety of flavors.
AJ Fernandez created the New World cigar to make good cigars and commemorate a momentous occasion. The cigar features Nicaraguan wrappers with a dark chocolate hue and a potent combination of long-fillers sourced from three regions in Nicaragua. This blend provides a smoking experience that is medium to full-bodied and the palate has notes of spicy espresso, earthy tones of tobacco, and subtly sweet dark chocolate undertones..
This cigar has a golden yellow band and a rich Habano Sun Grown wrapper. When smoking it, you'll taste earth, pepper, and leather flavors the entire time. It has a high rating of 94 which adds to its quality.