Looking for a cigar that delivers impeccable craftsmanship and flavors you won't forget? The AJ Fernandez Last Call Chiquitas Cigars bring you the very best of premium cigar-making expertise. Carefully handcrafted at the Tabacalera Fernandez factory in Nicaragua, these cigars are made with homegrown Nicaraguan tobaccos cultivated by the legendary Abdel Fernandez himself. Wrapped in a stunning Ecuadorian Habano Rosado leaf, these cigars are as luxurious to look at as they are to smoke.
Every puff of the AJ Fernandez Last Call Chiquitas is a celebration of nuanced flavors. Experience the comforting notes of cedar and nuts, balanced beautifully with a touch of black pepper and cinnamon. Crafted to deliver a consistent medium to full-bodied profile, these cigars provide a rich smoking experience—perfect for starting your day with coffee or winding down with your favorite beer or wine.
Don't settle for anything less than a smooth and consistent burn. The AJ Fernandez Last Call Chiquitas Cigars are precisely constructed to light flawlessly and require minimal touch-ups. Its compact size (3 1/2 x 50) makes it an excellent choice for quick indulgence without compromising quality.
Whether you’re a seasoned cigar enthusiast or looking for the perfect gift, the AJ Fernandez Last Call Chiquitas Cigars are a must-have. Sold in boxes of 25, these gems are ready to be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. Order now from Cuenca Cigars and take advantage of the best online pricing available.
Why wait? Elevate your smoking experience today—your perfect puff is just a click away!