AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Fernandez Last Call Geniales Cigars - Maduro Box of 25
AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Fernandez Last Call Geniales Cigars - Natural Box of 25
AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Fernandez Last Call Maduro Corticas - Box of 25
SKU - 6650$147.95$175.00$175.00 -
AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Fernandez Last Call Maduro Corticas - Single Cigars Online
AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Fernandez Last Call Maduro Flaquitas - Single Cigars Online
AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Fernandez Last Call Pequenas Cigars - Maduro Box of 25
AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Fernandez Last Call Pequenas Cigars - Natural Box of 25
AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Last Call Habano Chiquitas | Single Cigars Online
AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Last Call Habano Corticas | Single Cigars Online
AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Last Call Habano Flaquitas | Single Cigars Online
AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Last Call Habano Geniales | Single Cigars Online
AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Fernandez's New World Dorado cigars blend Nicaraguan tobaccos from Esteli, Condega, and Jalapa. The wrapper is an exquisite Habano sun-grown Nicaragua, providing a perfect balance of flavor with earthiness, sweetness, and spice notes. The blend combines to create an incredibly smooth smoke that will linger on the palate for minutes after puffing. In addition to its full-bodied complexity, this cigar also offers remarkable construction. It has a dark wrapper packed evenly throughout the length and secured by two bands.
AJ Fernandez Dias de Gloria cigars are a luxurious premium cigar brand that has become renowned for their exquisite flavor and construction. Handcrafted in Nicaragua by master tobacco rollers, these cigars feature a blend of rare Nicaraguan tobaccos, expertly chosen and aged to perfection. The wrapper is a silky Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper leaf that provides a creamy and smooth smoke.
AJ Fernandez Enclave Habano cigars are premium smokes crafted in AJ Fernandez's Nicaraguan factory. The blend consists of a Habano wrapper, a Corojo binder, and a mix of fillers from Nicaragua and Honduras. The result is an ultra-premium cigar with a complex flavor profile that ranges from nutty to sweet. It features notes of spice, nuts, earth, cedar, and slight pepper throughout the smoke. The construction of these cigars is impeccable, with perfect draws and even burns that allow for maximum enjoyment.
AJ Fernandez Enclave Broadleaf cigars are some of the world's most sought-after premium hand-rolled cigars. Crafted using a unique blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos, these cigars boast an unforgettable flavor and complexity. The wrapper is a dark, thick Broadleaf maduro that provides an earthy sweetness and full-bodied character. The Nicaraguan binder carries cocoa and leather flavors while holding the hefty long-fillers together.
AJ Fernandez's Last Call Maduro cigars are renowned for their rich flavor and complex notes. Rolled in Nicaragua, these cigars feature a San Andres Mexican Maduro wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and a combination of long-filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras. This unique blend creates a rich, smooth, full-bodied, yet remarkably balanced smoke. The Maduro wrapper on the AJ Fernandez Last Call gives it an intense aroma of earthy sweetness with subtle hints of chocolate, leather, and pepper.
AJ Fernandez's Last Call Natural cigars are some of the most sought-after premium cigars on the market. The Last Call Natural is an exquisitely crafted cigar masterfully blended to create a unique and flavorful smoke. Constructed with the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos available, these cigars boast a medium body and complexity that will satisfy any smoker. The dark Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper provides deep notes of coffee, earth, and pepper and sweet hints of chocolate and leather.
AJ Fernandez's New World cigars are some of the most sought-after smoke in the world. Crafted in Nicaragua, these cigars have an unparalleled flavor and complexity. The blend is made up of a special selection of Nicaraguan long-fillers and binders, complimented by an Ecuadorian Habano Oscuro wrapper. This combination produces a smoke that is full-flavored yet surprisingly smooth.
AJ Fernandez's New World Cameroon cigars are a luxurious, full-bodied smoke that offers an unforgettable experience. Featuring a dark and rich African Cameroon wrapper, these cigars are blended with some of the finest Nicaraguan long-fillers to produce a complex and delicious flavor profile. The AJ Fernandez factory has gained a stellar reputation for creating some of the finest cigars in the industry, and the New World Cameroon is no exception.
AJ Fernandez's New World Puro Especial cigars are a top-of-the-line smoke that exudes complexity and flavor. Handcrafted in Esteli, Nicaragua, these cigars boast a mix of Nicaraguan tobacco for the wrapper, binder, and filler. The combination creates an unmatched experience with deep notes of coffee and cocoa accentuated by hints of nuts and earthy spices. The exquisite blend is carefully aged in oak barrels to reveal its unique character.
AJ Fernandez's San Lotano Requiem Habano cigars are a smooth and flavorful smoke, handcrafted with a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran fillers, a Nicaraguan binder, and an oily Habano wrapper from Nicaragua. These cigars have won numerous accolades from cigar enthusiasts across the world. In 2015, they were awarded the coveted #7 spot on Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 Cigars list. They also earned 93 points in Cigar Snob Magazine's March/April issue of 2020.
AJ Fernandez's San Lotano Requiem Connecticut cigars offer a unique smoking experience. Handcrafted in Nicaragua, these cigars feature an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper that provides a medium-bodied flavor full of complexity and nuance. The binder is Nicaraguan Habano, while the filler blend comprises Cuban-seed tobaccos from Nicaragua and Honduras. This blend creates a well-balanced smoke with notes of cedar, leather, earthiness, and subtle hints of spice.
The San Lotano Requiem Maduro cigars by AJ Fernandez are very popular high-end cigars. They have a dark Connecticut broadleaf wrapper aged for one year and a filler composed of tobacco from Nicaragua, Honduras, and Mexico. These are carefully blended to produce a medium to full-bodied flavor with hints of cocoa, coffee, and pepper. The San Lotano Requiem Maduro has a blend of tobaccos that creates a smooth smoking experience.
AJ Fernandez's San Lotano the Bull cigars are some of the most popular premium cigars on the market. Handmade in Nicaragua with a combination of Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Dominican tobaccos, these full-bodied smokes have earned rave reviews from cigar aficionados worldwide. The tobacco blend creates a complex flavor profile that includes the earth, leather, spice, and cocoa notes.
AJ Fernandez Viva La Vida cigars perfectly blend Cuban-style craftsmanship and modern innovation. Crafted in Nicaragua, these cigars are made using a combination of vintage Cuban-seed tobaccos and modern tobacco varieties. The resulting blend is bold and flavorful, with earth, leather, spice, and cocoa notes. The cigars feature a triple cap finish for maximum flavor concentration and come in Toro and Robusto sizes.
AJ Fernandez Bellas Artes Natural is an exquisite, boutique-style cigar crafted perfectly by renowned master blender AJ Fernandez. The blend of tobaccos used in this cigar comprises an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and a unique combination of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers. Created with great precision by the famous master blender AJ Fernandez.
AJ Fernandez Bellas Artes Maduro is a premium Nicaragua cigar described as one of the best AJ Fernandez cigars ever created. This cigar features a dark and oily Ecuadorian Habano Maduro wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and a blend of Nicaraguan fillers. The blend produces an incredibly balanced smoke, with notes of pepper, cocoa, spice, leather, and earth, with a creamy finish.
AJ Fernandez Ramon Allones cigars, crafted by the renowned cigar maker AJ Fernandez, are some of the finest premium cigars. These cigars are blended with a combination of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers and an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. The result is a smooth, creamy smoke that produces cedar, spice, and earthy notes flavors. These cigars have been praised for having incredible construction, which gives them a perfect draw every time. On top of that, each cigar has its own unique flavor profile that is sure to please cigar aficionados. As a testament to their quality, Ramon Allones has been awarded a number of awards, including several “Best in Show” awards from Cigar Aficionado Magazine.
The Ultimate AJ Fernandez Cigar Selection for Aficionados
The world of cigars can be a complex landscape to navigate, especially when it comes to finding the perfect smoke for your taste preferences and special occasions. Enter AJ Fernandez, a renowned cigar-maker from Cuba’s Pinar del Rio region, known for producing an exquisite selection of high-quality cigars. In this blog post, we will explore the finest offerings from AJ Fernandez, delving into the unique blends, artistry, and flavors that set these cigars apart. Whether you’re a novice or an aficionado, you’ll discover the perfect AJ Fernandez cigar to elevate your smoking experience.
AJ Fernandez's Finest: A Cigar for Every Connoisseur
As a cigar connoisseur, you’ll find the diversity of AJ Fernandez’s selection intriguing. We’ve handpicked a list of the finest cigars from their extensive range for your convenience:
Best for Sophistication: San Lotano Requiem (Maduro, Connecticut, and Habano)
Best for Medium-Bodied Marvel: New World Puro Especial
Best for Artistry: AJ Fernandez Bellas Artes
Best for Game Day Companion: AJ Fernandez Last Call
Best for Gentle Introduction: New World Connecticut
The Sophisticated Choice: San Lotano Requiem in Maduro, Connecticut and Habano
A diverse selection of wrappers
Exquisite blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran long fillers
Unique flavor profiles for each variant
Limited availability in some regions, including world Cameroon
The San Lotano Requiem series, originating from the brand once produced by AJ Fernandez’s grandfather, exemplifies sophistication in cigar choices. Reinvigorating the brand in 2010, AJ Fernandez introduced three variants:
Maduro: renowned for its flavors of cocoa, creaminess, sweetness, caramel, cedar, and cinnamon.
Connecticut: offers notes of cream, nuts, wood, a buttery-smooth finish, spice, sweetness, fruit, graham cracker, cedar, and creaminess.
Habano: [missing information]
These cigars embody the rich heritage of the San Lotano brand and showcase the mastery of blending by AJ Fernandez. Both the Maduro and Connecticut variants provide a diverse and luxurious smoking experience that is sure to impress even the most discerning aficionados. The San Lotano Requiem series is a sophisticated choice for those who appreciate the finer things in life and seek a premium cigar to match their refined tastes.
A Medium-Bodied Marvel: New World Puro Especial
100% Nicaraguan cigar
Composed of tobacco cultivated from Fernandez’s various farms
Harmonious balance of nutty and darker flavors
Developed by AJ Fernandez and his father, Ismael
Compatible with bourbon, rum, or coffee
93 points and a ‘Top 25’ ranking by Cigar Aficionado in 2017
May not be suitable for those who prefer a milder smoke
The result of a collaboration between AJ Fernandez and his father, Ismael, the New World Puro Especial is a marvel of medium-bodied cigars. This 100% Nicaraguan cigar is composed of tobacco cultivated from Fernandez’s various farms, which have been aged for three to five years. The blend offers a harmonious balance of:
woody and nutty notes
hints of hickory
smoked almonds
As a testament to its excellence, the New World Puro Especial received a 93-point rating and a ‘Top 25’ ranking from Cigar Aficionado in 2017. This exquisite cigar is renowned for its compatibility with bourbon, rum, or coffee, making it the perfect choice for those who enjoy a medium-bodied smoke with rich, complex flavors.
The New World Puro Especial is a testament to the craftsmanship and dedication of AJ Fernandez, providing a truly remarkable smoking experience.
Artistry in Tobacco: AJ Fernandez Bellas Artes
Nicaraguan wrapper
Long-fillers from Nicaragua, Honduras, and Brazil
Distinct “Rojita” hybrid wrapper
Smooth and flavorful profile
Unique proprietary hybrid wrapper
Rich and complex flavor notes
Limited availability in certain regions
Experience the artistic craftsmanship of the AJ Fernandez Bellas Artes, a delightfully smooth and flavorful cigar, distinguished by its unique wrapper. The Bellas Artes features:
A Nicaraguan wrapper
Long-fillers from Nicaragua, Honduras, and Brazil
A proprietary hybrid wrapper called “Rojita,” which is a combination of three strains of tobacco
This combination results in a distinct flavor profile and smoking experience.
The Bellas Artes cigar boasts flavors of:
Strong dark chocolate
Tropical fruit
Mocha java
Bready flavors
Dark fruit
Black pepper
Dark chocolate
Black coffee
Herbal notes
Green apple tartness
Graham cracker
Baking spices
The artistry behind this cigar is evident in its complex flavor profile and exceptional craftsmanship, making it a must-try for those seeking a truly unique smoking experience – especially when stored in a quality humidor.
The Game Day Companion: AJ Fernandez Last Call
Ecuadorian habano rosado wrapper
Nicaraguan binder and fillers
Full-strength romeo y julieta cigar inspired by Cuba
Perfect for game day gatherings and celebrations
Toothy profile with notes of paprika, vanilla, cedar, and red pepper
Affordable price point
May be too strong for novice smokers
The AJ Fernandez Last Call, a full-strength cigar, is an ideal choice for game day gatherings and festive occasions. With an Ecuadorian habano rosado wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and Nicaraguan fillers, the Last Call offers a toasty profile with notes of paprika, vanilla, cedar, and red pepper, making it an ideal companion for those special occasions.
Customers have generally favorable feedback on the Last Call, deeming it a satisfactory smoke for the price, with adequate body and flavor. Some find it less intense than anticipated, but still enjoyable.
To elevate your game day experience, consider pairing this full-strength cigar with bourbons such as Four Roses Yellow Label, Henry McKenna 10 yo Bottled-in-Bond, and Weller Full Proof, or Imperial style IPAs that complement its caramel, dried fruits, and earthy flavors.
The Gentle Introduction: New World Connecticut
Price: $5.50 - $6.00
U.S. Connecticut Shade Grown wrapper
Mexican San Andrés binder
Brazilian and Nicaraguan fillers
Mild and approachable cigar
Unique blend of Brazilian and Nicaraguan fillers
Perfect for those new to AJ Fernandez cigars
May not be suitable for those who prefer a stronger smoke
The New World Connecticut offers an ideal, gentle introduction to those venturing into the world of AJ Fernandez cigars. Featuring a U.S. Connecticut Shade Grown wrapper, Mexican San Andrés binder, and a blend of Brazilian and Nicaraguan fillers, this mild to medium-bodied cigar provides a unique and approachable smoking experience.
The flavor profiles of the New World Connecticut include:
Lemon twist
Sweet notes
Dark cocoa
Complex and subtle spices
Creamy cedar
Floral notes
The combination of Brazilian and Nicaraguan fillers imparts complexity and depth to its taste. The Brazilian filler tobacco contributes a full-bodied and earthy flavor, while the Nicaraguan filler tobacco adds a spicy and subtly sweet note.
Whether you’re a novice smoker or simply looking for a milder option, the New World Connecticut is a delightful choice.
Selecting Your Signature Smoke: A Buyer's Guide to AJ Fernandez Cigars
Choosing the ideal AJ Fernandez cigar to suit your taste and occasion involves contemplating several factors:
Examine the flavor profile of the cigar, taking note of the various nuances and complexities that appeal to your palate.
Consider the strength and body of the cigar, as this can greatly influence the overall smoking experience.
Take into account the size and quality of the cigar.
Consider any personal preferences you may have.
For novices, we recommend the following AJ Fernandez cigars:
AJ Fernandez New World Dorado
AJ Fernandez Last Call Habano
AJ Fernandez Bellas Artes Habano
AJ Fernandez Enclave Broadleaf
New World Connecticut by AJ Fernandez Robusto
These cigars offer a variety of flavor profiles and strengths, providing a comprehensive introduction to the world of AJ Fernandez cigars.
As your palate develops and your tastes evolve, you may find yourself gravitating towards more complex and full-bodied cigars, such as the San Lotano Requiem series or the New World Puro Especial. These cigars showcase the mastery of blending by AJ Fernandez and offer a truly remarkable smoking experience for experienced smokers.
In summary, identifying your go-to cigar from the extensive AJ Fernandez collection requires a consideration of your taste preferences, the occasion, and your personal inclinations. By exploring the various options and taking the time to sample different cigars, you’ll discover the perfect AJ Fernandez cigar to elevate your smoking experience.
In this blog post, we have explored the finest offerings from AJ Fernandez, delving into the unique blends, artistry, and flavors that set these cigars apart. Whether you’re a novice or an aficionado, you’ll discover the perfect AJ Fernandez cigar to elevate your smoking experience. By considering your taste preferences, smoking occasions, and personal interests, you can select your signature smoke and embark on a journey through the world of premium cigars.