Celebrate two decades of craftsmanship with the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary single cigar, a rare masterpiece from one of the world’s most renowned cigar makers.
Crafted to honor AJ Fernandez’s 20 years of creating unforgettable cigars, this full-bodied Nicaraguan puro delivers a smoking experience like no other. Cloaked in a dark, savory maduro wrapper and filled with the finest premium aged tobaccos sourced directly from AJ Fernandez’s own Nicaraguan farms, this cigar exudes sophistication, power, and balance in every puff.
With only 7,500 boxes of this limited-edition masterpiece made, the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary cigar is a celebration worth indulging in. Now available as singles, you can savor this meticulously handcrafted blend without the commitment of purchasing a full box—perfect for those who love to explore before they invest!
Hand-rolled at the iconic Tabacalera AJ Fernandez Cigars factory in Nicaragua, this Toro-shaped beauty boasts a delightful complexity of rich, earthy flavors and full-strength indulgence. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a curious explorer of premium cigars, this celebratory release promises a luxurious and memorable smoking experience.
Don’t miss your chance to own a piece of cigar history. Order your AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary single cigar today and immerse yourself in the dedication, history, and artistry this exceptional brand has to offer.