ACID Blondie Red Cigars Box of 40 is a flavorful, aromatic cigar that provides an enjoyable smoking experience. These cigars are handmade with premium Nicaraguan tobacco and infused with a unique blend of herbs, oils, and botanicals for a smooth and complex flavor. The red color of the Cameroon wrapper is due to the natural oils used in the infusion process and adds to the overall experience. The aroma of each cigar is smooth and mild, with hints of spice, earthiness, and sweetness that linger between puffs. The medium-bodied cigars deliver a pleasant balance of flavors like nuts, coffee, leather, cedar, and sweetness on the palate.
Introducing the Acid Blondie Red Cameroon Cigars, a fresh addition to the popular Acid cigar line. With unique flavors and a Cameroon wrapper, the Red Blondie promises an exhilarating smoking experience. The highlight of these blends is the Nicaraguan core, which is kept in aroma rooms containing 150 different types of herbs, botanicals, and oils for a significant period to absorb their flavors. The process used in creating these cigars results in a unique and enjoyable blend of flavors in the tobacco. The Acid Red Blondie Cigars come in a size of 4 x 38 and are sold in boxes of 40. You can purchase them at a great price online from Cuenca Cigars.