601 Cigars
601 Red Label Habano Torpedo Cigars were rated No. 13 Cigar Snob best cigar 2016. They are full bodied handmade premium cigars made by the famous Erik Espinosa. These cigars are made using pure Nicaraguan long filler and binder tobaccos which are wrapped under Nicaraguan Natural Habano wrappers. They offer well-balanced, complex flavours accompanied by an enticing aroma which can be felt from the start to finish. Their flawless construction, exciting strong flavours have managed to impress the cigar enthusiasts and publishers alike and achieved 90 rating by Cigar Aficionado. 601 Red Label Habano Torpedo Cigars come in the size of 6 1/8 x 52 packed in boxes of 20. Place an order for a box of these cigars now.