Cigar Samplers
Each year, Cigar Aficionado magazine puts together a list of the Top 25 Cigars through an extensive elimination process. A total of 744 cigars reviewed in the current year and the latest cigars reviewed at the end of the previous year are considered, provided they were featured in either Cigar Aficionado or Cigar Insider magazines. Only cigars rated with at least 91 points or higher are considered for the list.
First, the list is reviewed and any duplicate entries are removed. Next, the team eliminates cigars that are no longer being produced or sold in the market. This is followed by the process of elimination, which involves smoking all of the remaining cigars. The team purchases all of the cigars at retail stores and replaces their bands with numbered labels.
The analysis begins with each panelist expressing their opinions and rating the cigars. Through an elimination process, Cigar Aficionados compiles the Top 25 Cigars at the end of each year.
Cuenca Cigars has compiled a list of cigars available for purchase. However, certain cigars are unavailable due to legal restrictions (such as Cuban cigars) or are difficult to find or sold out. Out of the 25 cigars, they have assembled 19 that can be easily purchased at the retail price listed by Cigar Aficionado.
Due to the holiday season, some cigars are currently back ordered and manufacturers are closed. Therefore, they are currently in pre-order status. However, they will begin shipping after January 11, 2016.
Be the first to try the 21 pre-pack Best Cigars of the year by ordering now. This package includes 21 cigars out of the 25 available in total.
Please note that some of the cigars on this list have been discontinued or are no longer in production. However, there are still many great cigars available, like the Ashton Symmetry. You can read more about them here.