For the connoisseur of fine cigars, nothing compares to the superior quality and taste of the 1947 Aladino Cazador Maduros! Each box contains 20 Lonsdale sized sticks that measure 6 x 46, made from the original Cuban seed of Corojo in Julio R. Eiroa's tobacco farm in Honduras. These rare cigars embody all things classic and exquisite, an ode to the Golden Era of cigars in Cuba. A certainty for an unforgettable smoking experience, this Honduran Puro cigar gives off a flavor that can't be found anywhere else on the market! Between its unique flavor characteristics and superior craftsmanship, these magnificent cigars are sure to become a quick favorite amongst discerning aficionados. To get your hands on a box of these iconic 1947 Aladino 1961 Cazador Maduros today is to embark on an exciting journey back in time - you won't regret it! So don't wait another minute - fill up that humidor with this amazing find now and discover a perfect smoking companion for those long days full of relaxation and contentment.