1502 Cigars
1502 Ruby Conquistador Cigars are superb premiums cigars crafted meticulously to impress even the most discerning smokers. These are rolled by only experienced and skilled workers who know their job. A blend of chosen tobaccos from the lands of Esteli and Jalapa in Nicaragua goes into the core of these cigars. On the top it sports a dark Ecuadorian Maduro wrapper. The cigar is medium to full in body profile and finely balanced. They exude captivating aromas and refined notes of earth, cedar and nuts. Due to its masterful construction the burn and draw both are perfect. The critics have praised these cigars and rated impressively. The 1502 Ruby Conquistador Cigars are formed in 6 x 56 sizes and packed in boxes of 20. To buy these art pieces place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.